Welcome to Tawsburg. Pt 2

  • Chapter 2 Out on the ranch of the Wolf_Demon family, young wolfy was seen heading over to the neighboring ranch whose son was Eh_Steve. Together they could Get into mischief. They like to go to the dry riverbed and get some chunks of the dry gray clay and sneak back into town to write on the sides of the shops. A couple of the folks said “we got to do something about this, this, spam”. Where he got that word I will never know. Both of the boys dreamed of being cattle rustlers of sorts. All the daring and thrills made them even want to be...bandits, if you can believe it. The Forum usually got busy around six o’clock in the evening. The chatter could be heard half way up the street. One person always had the weather on his mind, his name was freighter fighter. It became a regular topic at least once a week. There was the regular complaint of broken pencils that half the town would keep Bakedpotato’s stock down. Something about the record keeping they did. They all wanted the latest style too. Some would compare the designs they whittled in them. Strange pictures on some. There were a few too that like to talk about just anything to keep from having to go home. Chips and Stinger often pulled the job of keeping an eye on The Forum so none got out of hand. The other deputies would stop by from time to time to join a conversation or to just look around. The next day over at the livery stable that got named, Mobo & Processor livery Stables, there was talk of some new horses being brought in. Some that had more power, to pull a plow, and some for speed, so they could be used to race. That had what ever you needed, and could afford. The owners were Arcon and Aod. They made a very good living, as everyone needed a good horse now and then. They even tried to recondition some of the old ones that use to be fast into plowable horses. The towns undertaker was called Orillion Alpha. He didn’t get too much business, so he kept himself busy by sneaking out to the old end of the grave yard and dig up an old grave or to, trying to find a couple of threads he said. Folks thought him a mite strange, but liked him anyway. Back at pSYCHO’s and supersnipa’s house, there was a knock at the door. pSYCHO was surprised when he saw Stormtrooper110 standing there. Trooper saw the shock on pSYCHO’s face, but could not figure out what was wrong. “Ain’t you gonna invite me in?” He asked. Shaking himself, pSYCHO finally said, :Yea, git yourself in here you old goat.” Looking him over, pSYCHO said, “You don’t look the worse for wear, for being on the run for the last year”. Mean while, Dr. Taw, as he is sometimes called, got a visitor in his office. The woman look a might distressed. Hamster_Huey had not been to see the doctor in a spell. “Well, Mrs Huey, what seems to be the trouble?” he asked as he pulled up a couple of chairs for them to sit on. “It’s my son, I just can’t seem to get him to do anything, all he wants to do is crash in bed” she sighed “ and I just can’t get him to start up with the chores”. Dr. Taw scratched his chin, thinking. “Well have you tried the usual remedies?” he asked. She gave a quick nod, but said nothing “Well, maybe it’s time to reboot him, kick him out the door and tell him, its work or live someplace else” he stated. It was the same advise he gave several of the town folks. It was harsh, but it usual fixed the problem. The little bell over the jail door jingled, making Mustang and Stinger look up from their poker game. “Well, I’ll be danged”, a mixture of sunrise and concern on Stingers face.” Boscoe, you old prairie dog, where have you been?” Mustang held out his hand to his old friend. “What’s it been, a year now?” Stinger asked. “Yea, had some personal business to tend to.” Boscoe replied. “ You locked up those talkative trouble makers a year ago and then disappeared” Mustang said. “Are coming back to work here” Stinger asked with anticipation. About that time the bell jingled again and in walked Sheriff Bargib. “Well, I’ll be, Boscoe, you came back” he said, a twinkle in his eye. Boscoe was one of the earlier deputies for the town. “You coming back to work?” he asked. “Yea, if its ok with you” Boscoe replied. “Shoot, it more that ok, welcome back, your stars still in the drawer ya know” Bargib responded. Bakedpotato got the flyer for pSYCHO printed up and looked for a place near the front of the store to hang it. There were so many up already. Folks looking for help with farm work and such. He posted them all for the folks in town, after all, they all had to come in here at one time or another during the day. Wolfy and Eh_Steve high tailed back over to wolfy’s farm. They had stirred up enough for the day. Besides, they had there invention in the barn they wanted to tinker with. They wouldn’t tell anyone, not even Arania, even when they needed his anvil to do some hammering on. Arania didn’t mind helping them, the blacksmith trade was a little slow the past few days. Most of his work this spring was retooling plows for the farmers. Bargib pulled out the telegram he had just picked up and laid it on the table. “This just came in, I want you to be extra carful of him” he said in a voice low and deep. They all passed it around to get a look at it. There was a description of a man wanted in connection with a shooting in the next town over, A gunslinger, by the name of....Locutus. $25,000 reward for his capture. Stinger gave a low whistle. “That, my friends, is a lot of money.” he added. “Well, lets not forget, he might not be guilty. This description is a little off” Bargib cautioned, "I have seen Locutus, this doesn’t sound like him” Chapter 3 The Forum was beginning to fill up with the regulars. Each had their favorite beverages. Sarsaparilla was the drink of the day with only a few of the older towns men drinking whiskey or a beer. The children all had water or sarsaparilla and sat off to one side. No one was left out of the Forum. It was always entertaining and sometimes informative. Even the youngsters could entertain the elders. Dr. Esq started the first topic for discussion. He wanted to know what the others thought of the new art that was being introduced in society. As it was moving tot he first person to reply, Dr. taw wandered in and asked for a whiskey shot. After getting it, he wandered over to Dr,. Esq’s table and pulled out a chair, but when he went to sit down he missed the chair. Dr. Esq was rolling with laughter, but it was short lived when Dr. Taw saw Esq’s foot on his chair as he had moved it over under the table. Chips started his rounds near The Download and headed up to the bakery, check to see if the doors were locked. A couple of riders passed him, but stopped and turned their mounts. “Pardon us deputy, but which was is the livery stable” One of the men asked. “Down the street and on the right near the towns edge.” Chips pointed out. “Thank you” the man said and tipped his hat. They pulled the rains turning their horses in the direction of the livery. To Be continued. Edited by - Finalday on 4/13/2004 6:12:20 PM

    Proud owner of a MacBook: 2.2 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo
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    Mac OSX Leopard 10.5.5

    The time has come, Join The Resistance!

  • Sweet! I´m Wolfy´s partner in Spam. This is gonna be an interesting story. I can´t wait to see how this develops. Are you gonna have everyone´s tale collide in some town meeting or something? Does the local newspaper have a section called ArconTV?


  • You´ll get your chance Esq in the next chaper, I prommise. <img src=smilies/icon_smile_big.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle>

    Proud owner of a MacBook: 2.2 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo
    2 GB 667 MHz DDR2 SDRAM 120 GB hard drive
    Mac OSX Leopard 10.5.5

    The time has come, Join The Resistance!

  • Nice take on the ´ol west style, reminds me of the Half-life MOD: Wanted. Keep up the good work!

    ---- Call me Arania Humans Fear what they do not understand. And i doubt you understand me. Never say `Eat Me` to a giant snake. Bad idea, believe me...

  • Final - That´s good to know <img src=smilies/icon_smile_big.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle>. I still say that Taw should be a drunken lecher, who drinks to &quot;steady his nerves&quot;. That way, the story would be more realistic <img src=smilies/icon_smile_big.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle> <img src=smilies/icon_smile_wink.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle> <img src=smilies/icon_smile_tongue.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle>.

  • I sincerely hope that Arcon, the Stranger With No Cash, might make an appearance? He´s gotta be some sort of lawman, he has a star on (his head) and a glowstick.

    "for once, i`ll actually tell you what i was thinking; but maybe i won`t have anything to say.."

  • He´s already there. He and Aod own the livery. <img src=smilies/icon_smile_tongue.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle>

    Proud owner of a MacBook: 2.2 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo
    2 GB 667 MHz DDR2 SDRAM 120 GB hard drive
    Mac OSX Leopard 10.5.5

    The time has come, Join The Resistance!

  • I just saw Taw!!! <img src=´http://www.oldwestcowboystore.…ages/GRAPHICCowboyTub.GIF ´> Indy, see Part 1, you are the news paper editer. <img src=smilies/icon_smile_big.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle> Michael<A href=´http://messianicgentile.tripod.com/´ Target=_Blank> &quot;Hezekiah&quot;</a> Edited by - Finalday on 4/13/2004 6:35:24 PM

    Proud owner of a MacBook: 2.2 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo
    2 GB 667 MHz DDR2 SDRAM 120 GB hard drive
    Mac OSX Leopard 10.5.5

    The time has come, Join The Resistance!

  • Hmmmmm. 1840s old west story. Use of TLR members names as characters in the story...... Uh oh..... Listen, Fd, just make sure that I´m one of the noble and righteous redskins, OK?

  • D´oh! (Second time tonight I´ve gotta &quot;D´oh!&quot<img src=smilies/icon_smile_wink.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle> Hmmm. I´m a newspaper guy huh? Hmmmmm. Is it a scandal sheet? Do I take pictures? <img src=smilies/icon_smile_tongue.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle>

  • *slams door upon return from Pt. 1 thread* <img src=smilies/icon_smile_blush.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle> Sorry Fd. Shoulda read more closely. Thanks for the mention. Hope I haven´t goofy footed myself right out of your story. <img src=smilies/icon_smile.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle> Edited by - Indy11 on 4/13/2004 7:28:49 PM

  • Episode 3 will be on your local Forum channel tonight. In this episode, the inventers try to sell their ideas, and the 2 men mystery deepens. That and more tonight. <img src=smilies/icon_smile_big.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle> Michael<A href=´http://messianicgentile.tripod.com/´ Target=_Blank> &quot;Hezekiah&quot;</a>

    Proud owner of a MacBook: 2.2 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo
    2 GB 667 MHz DDR2 SDRAM 120 GB hard drive
    Mac OSX Leopard 10.5.5

    The time has come, Join The Resistance!

  • $25,000 Reward??? My, aren´t I the popular one out there, heh <img src=smilies/icon_smile_big.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle><img src=smilies/icon_smile_tongue.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle> FD, This is Possibly the best Story i have seen yet since Sir Spectre Made entrance with his plays. Keep on Going like this.