i would like to know

  • They don´t exist unmodded. The Nomad gun is as good as you´re gonna get for a fast refire rate. Besides, Level 10 guns unbalance the game enough as is. Cranking up the refire rate would ruin the fun of it, plus drain your energy reserves twice as fast. Give a man fire and he´ll be warm for the night. Set a man on fire and he´ll be warm for the rest of his life.- Terry Prachett

  • Although if you´re simply after a high-refire gun, check out the GMG weapons, their Skyblast B is almost as good as some of the level 10 weapons, with 8.33 refire "There are 10 kinds of people in this world: those who understand binary and those who don´t"

  • are all of the classified lvl 10 weps slow firing, or is there at least one that fires a little faster?

    The hell with titans and nomads! nomads get boring, and titans are flying poo!

  • They´re basically all within 2.00-4.00 refire rates. The slowest firing are, not unusually, the Diamondback and Cerebrus. The fastest firing is the Jade or Bloodstone, I think. Owner, CEO, CFO, President, and Manager of McCardy´s. McCardy´s:So much Cardamine, you´ll wish you had more! Come visit our new Buffalo Base Location: Take a ship to Buffalo and, uh, go inside McCardy´s.