You know you´ve been playing Freelancer too much when..............

  • When you come upon a car wreck you pull out weapons and fire at the wreckage to get loot. You have a bumper sticker that says "My other car is a (fill in favorite ship)". when someone calls you on a cell phone you tell them "Don´t distact me. Can´t you see I´m in combat here?"

    "Shogunate of Kusari in mind but always a Blood Dragon at heart"

  • You walk around looking for a big japaneese man with purple eyes so you can steal the proteus tome. yeah and Go trekkies! <img src=smilies/icon_smile_big.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle>

  • You´ve played to much fl when... think that if you die time will go back to when you were last in a building. think that if you found an artifact usa will try and kill you and you flee to england. think that if you kill engines you´ll keep on going untill you lower the throttle. expect everyone to speak as if what they say is a collection of phrases. make a blue tinted with purple lined glass model of a nomad fighter and expect it to be able to fly around and kill people with purple energy shots. sleep with a stuffed (your favourite ship). think that if you go to crete and go roughly up bringing along a gun so you can shoot the nomads. think that after doing the above two and looking around a bit you can find a unknown jump hole that if you go through you´ll find a place with monkey´s and a place with robots and more nomads to shoot and get nomad guns´ve actually tried the above three (in order) (major case). think that if you get enough cash a sound plays and you level up. record a tape to make the level up sound. think that looking at the sun doesn´t damage your eyes. think that lancers reactor is holy(major case). All I could think of, some of these have already been done, but not like this.

  • When you replace your radio with a police scanner thinking its your com. And also start scanning the channels for Juni and her secure channel. You never listen to music..EVER..because you never did in your ship.

  • BUMP I think.... When you think your parents are going to take your Freelancer Disk away you hide it in your room, pull up a beanbag chair, and guard the disk with a pocket knife. TRUE STORY. HAPPENED TODAY. Hi Aravis <img src=smilies/icon_smile_big.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle>

    You tag `em, we frag `em.-Jules Gonzalez, Mech Warrior 4 "And so I says, answer THAT and stay fashionable!"-Wraith Pilot, StarCraft

  • oh no not this thread again. i remember what happened last time. thing turned into WWIII about wether Juni was hot or not chips, pls dont let this one do the same thing anyway, u know that uve been playing to much fl when... u expect to need a certain level to buy a car u actually get to that level u think that all cargo ships have defense u start looking on the blak market for cardamine u actually find card for sale u think that a gun shoots lazers u think that the cops will shoot u on sight for having *insert contraband here* u start looking for space ships on ebay u think that u can afford to kill a few cops and they wont try to kill u if u run away all i got might have more later

  • Hey, he´s a Moderator, right? <img src=smilies/icon_smile_big.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle>

    You tag `em, we frag `em.-Jules Gonzalez, Mech Warrior 4 "And so I says, answer THAT and stay fashionable!"-Wraith Pilot, StarCraft

  • so? Encircled by vicious Brutes, the Master Chief lowers his dual SMGs. He hears a female voice in his ear &quot;Bet you can´t stick ´em&quot; &quot;You´re on&quot;

  • ...when you can´t get to sleep for wondering if it is possible to set up a Defender so you can take on a Sabre. {MN} Admiral Myo The Mercenary Navy- Power is Everything <A href=´´ Target=_Blank>Click here to visit The Mercenary Navy Online.</a>

  • you know you´ve been playing freelancer to much when. it is possible to have a argument on wether juni is hot or not. the question that bothers you most in life is what happaned to the australians havent we slaved after america enough to deserve our own sleeper ship. someone tells you that there an outcast and you start shooting them becouse you playing as a good guy for now. your friend tells you he saw a flying suacer and you ask him what mod he was using.

    I am the Death_man, the dark lord, the darkness in which all life dies and the bringer of insanity. In my spare time I manage a small pet supply shop.

  • playing? mean this aint´ real? sheesh man raise the blinds...look....there´s a world outside the little box with the flyin´ thingies that you´ve bin´ livin´ in. i know yeh, but i thought that was just some weird game for entertainment in between being a freelancer. oooohhhhhh! i´ll just em...tip toe right back out of your room mister<img src=smilies/icon_smile_tongue.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle>

  • Newbie here (you have been warned!). Been ´Freelancing´ for about 3-4 weeks in between constant interruptions such as work, sleep, and family. The only side effect I´ve noticed has been while driving (that´s the work part) in traffic, I sometimes see the gunsight reticle appear in my line of vision and try to aim my turrets at the offending vehicle. Is it just me? Does this mean I ´m hooked?? Or that I just don´t play enough??? when in doubt...go cyclic!

  • Common symptom of ´Anger´ for freelancer Anyways, this thread is like a month old

    When you die and go to heaven, you will find the streets are guarded by UNITED STATES MARINES!!

  • So? If it´s made by a moderator and its amusing... <img src=smilies/icon_smile_big.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle>

    You tag `em, we frag `em.-Jules Gonzalez, Mech Warrior 4 "And so I says, answer THAT and stay fashionable!"-Wraith Pilot, StarCraft