The problem with guns

  • well, first of all those fighters that u use are not the only ones with "blind fire" technology. Some other ones are the pheonix, the reaper, and in multiplayer, the wolverine. To activate blind fire in these just press the f key in game. However on multiplayer you´ll have to forget about blind fire. Sure its nice in tracking, but it just lacks firepower. the only blind fire ship that is descent for its fire power in multiplayer is the reaper. Eventually, you´ll have to learn to fire with using only your eyes and that square that tells where the enemy is going. a good ship to start off is the wolverine because it gives you tons of firepower that is spread out over a pretty large area. a joystick here is really helpful. In about a week with practice you should get good with it. But practice on Death match in the zone area.

  • just wondering something. does enableing blind fire make your Guns les potent? for instance is a proton cannon with blind fire activated doing as much damage as one without it activated? just wondering........ "reality is an illusion, braught on by the lac of alcohol"

    This has been another thoughtful Post by: [img=]

  • blind fire uses energy faster (according to one of the faqs that i read) and hence depending on which gun you use, the effect is different - e.g. if you use gatling laser, there´s no effect since the charging and discharging rate is same (at equal charging rate for weapons, shields and engine) other more energy consuming weapons will probably give you less of a sustained fire. shame you can´t use blind fire and full guns together!

  • Interesting...personally I don´t see any differnce in energy distribution using blind-fire.... The Wing Commander WC of the 187th Elite German Vindicators Squadron. One of the best fighter pilots out there in the known space... "Justice does not come easy..."

    One of the best fighter pilots out there in the known space... "Justice does not come easy..."

  • I´ve never noticed any difference between blindfire and all guns, except that with blindfire you can only fire one gun type at a time. a good way to test this would be to disable and enable blindfire in shroud. the best way to use blindfire in my opinion is to use the vulcan cannon in the reaper. sure, since it has a cyclic rate of 2, you have to precisely time your shots, or the way I do it, sorta use it like a single shot self loading cannon, but its devistating on target, and it consumes no energy, so when I switch over to gattling lasers when I´m in long distance "spray" mode, my gun energy resevers are peaked up. oh yeah, an earlier commnet in another forum suggests gattlings in non-blindfire consumes about as much energy as gun recharge puts out. possibly blindfire does indeed have a higher energy requirement... anyway, until fuzzball releases thatnew ship editor, starlancer is off my hard drive. after I take my test this wensday, I might put in shogun and take out groundcontrol. sigh, I wish this ^%$#*^!!! test was over (CCNA)