How come the old classified guns are more powerful...

  • Well, I believe some of them were found in the Sigma systems, and since Rhineland lost the War, none of the Houses probably can get to them, or want to bother trying, and most of the crimnals either don´t know they´re there or probably don´t care. I guess the GMG could get them, but they might nto care either. Just my opinion. Trent: It´s not the time, it´s the sides that keep changing.

    Trent: It`s not the time, it`s the sides that keep changing.

  • Well, that´s one idea. Personally, i think that they were created to go on the ships on special assignments. The ships didn´t have enough energy to make it and shut off, or pilots were killed by radiation.

  • Note that the level 10 guns are all listed as experimental. They are also slow to fire and use a lot of energy. Only the heaviest fighters can use them, the kind of fighters you find just in the border and edge worlds. The silly thing to me is not so much that nobody except Trent thinks to go looking for these weapons, but that nobody else bothers to tractor in any loot! The idiot Bounty Hunters work for some low amount, yet can´t be bothered to tractor in all sorts of valuable cargo that is floating around them after a fight. Huh?

  • Well technicly Bounty Hunter elites and Hessian Elites and the like had/have them.

    It is said that revenge is a dish best served cold, it is very

    cold in space. ~Khan, Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan

  • (to Puke) Well, not to give away a spoiler, so I´ll be careful, but in one of the mission movies, Juni makes a big deal about installing a tractor beam to your ship. Maybe tractor beams aren´t easy to come by? Or maybe the other ships have supposed modifications and end up having no cargo room. You could make up reasons till you´re blue in the face, there´s lots of things that they could´ve done better. Trent: It´s not the time, it´s the sides that keep changing.

    Trent: It`s not the time, it`s the sides that keep changing.

  • What do you mean, had/have them? Have you found any ships that actually shoot those weapons? If you do/did, then tell me where. I have to kill them to become the leader of them. If they have those powerful weapons, then they will think they´re the best. They will soon die. *Dang, and the only time i forgot my eagle, too...* "There´s my contraband. Now can I have it back so I can be on my own happy little illegal way?"

  • (to Corsair) I´m assuming he meant "could" since there are some high BH´s in the Omicron Systems. I´ve never seen any with them though. I just wish they would drop the Lvl 10 shield, lol. Trent: It´s not the time, it´s the sides that keep changing.

    Trent: It`s not the time, it`s the sides that keep changing.

  • The BHG wrecks with Class 10 weapons are Bounty Hunter Elites, the Volsung was an Elite Hessian piloted fighter, etc.

    It is said that revenge is a dish best served cold, it is very

    cold in space. ~Khan, Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan

  • I think Corsair raises a valid question. It doesn´t make sense that the most powerful guns in the game are all on wrecked ships. Obviously these "experimental" guns work great on your Level 10 ship, so why don´t you ever run into an Outcast Sabre or Corsair Titan packing Guardians, Thor´s Hammer, or Blue Blazes? Not that I´m complaining, mind you. I like having an unfair advantage. :-)

    `Planet Pittsburgh. What it lacks in class and sophistication, it makes up for in cheap drinks.`

  • After much careful deliberation, I think I´ve come up with the answer. It´s a game. No, in all seriousness, would you rather a) The game was realistic, and it was actually a race to find them, that you´d probably lose because of time spent in the story or b) the game´s slightly unrealistic but you get your mitts on a set of rather cool weapons? I´ll leave the decision to you<img src=smilies/icon_smile_tongue.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle>

  • Its just the fact that you just coincidently never run into the really well equipped Corsair, Hessian, Bounty Hunter, and Outcast elites. They are out there, just not in the game.

    It is said that revenge is a dish best served cold, it is very

    cold in space. ~Khan, Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan

  • (to PrivFan) Well, in some ways it´s not an unfair advantage. Granted, you may have Classified or other guns, but usually when you´re fighting someone you´re at a disadvantage in numbers. But I also agree with the &quot;It´s a game&quot; comment. Trent: It´s not the time, it´s the sides that keep changing.

    Trent: It`s not the time, it`s the sides that keep changing.

  • Well put fellows. It is just a game, and I´d rather have the best guns just laying around waiting for me to find em. And it does offset the unfair numerical advantage all the enemy ships have. ´Planet Pittsburgh. What it lacks in charm and sophistication, it more than makes up for in cheap drinks.´

    `Planet Pittsburgh. What it lacks in class and sophistication, it makes up for in cheap drinks.`

  • I think everybody is partially correct about everything. What i´m really saying is........when i´m about to destroy the wreckage, I sometimes see a patrol going past minding their own buisness, and they don´t even stop and look. Here i am, about to destroy a wreckage that is of their own, and they don´t even care. That´s pretty stupid. They could be a tad bit smarter, don´t you think? &quot;There´s my contraband. Now can I have it back so I can be on my own happy little illegal way?&quot;

  • Well, what about the wrecks with valuable cargo? A pirate destroys a good guy for his cargo ... and then goes off and abandons the cargo? Or the police destroy a pirate ... and go off and leave the cardamine in the hold? Sure, it´s a game. But the NPCs tend to be thickies at times. e.g. When flying into their own mine fields! <img src=smilies/icon_smile.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle> p.s. Am I mistaken, or did the old Privateer have ships that would also tractor in cargo after a fight. Seems that I recall they did.

  • (to Puke) I know in Privateer and Righteous Fire, you could buy a tractor beam for like 7,500 credits. I think you´d have to attach it to one of the turrets, and then have to use it in turret mode, so it was a little more difficult to use, but you could have one. As far as the wrecks are concerned, some of them occur in radiation wells, so maybe the ship had problems on it´s own? And maybe some ships got destroyed because they were infringing on territory, and the people didn´t really care what they were carrying? Like I said before, you can rationalize almost anything, but it´s just a game, a game that is great, but could´ve been a whole lot better too. Me, I wish you could go back and do the race, and put down a bet, adn depending on the bet, you could bump, shoot, etc. Trent: It´s not the time, it´s the sides that keep changing. Edited by - Bruiser19 on 5/16/2005 6:45:11 AM

    Trent: It`s not the time, it`s the sides that keep changing.

  • I know that, but sometimes i find patrols there too. &quot;There´s my contraband, LSF 1-1, now can I have it back so I can be on my own happy little illegal way?&quot;

  • Shouldn´t they have the same scanners as we do? Don´t they have tractors? I mean, they´re Pirates! Shouldn´t they shoot at everything they see??? <img src=smilies/icon_smile_question.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle> &quot;There´s my contraband, LSF 1-1, now can I have it back so I can be on my own happy little illegal way?&quot;

  • i´ve got an idea, maybe all these wrecks are a few hundred years old. The Experimental Weapons were too powerful that the ships often could not control the ionization of the matter they were shooting, which ended up in ionizing the whole damn ship, and leaving it to spark off some massive explosion wrecking the ship. However, in the more recent times the ships have more controlled power systems and stronger hulls, and the Expiremental weapons don´t have such dire consequences anymore.

    Coolbeano [FP3_POLICE]Member of the Freeport 3 Police Department -|A|-Member of the Avengers