Mission 8 => HELP!

  • If you still don´t know what to do, remember to be very quick. A tip would be to destroy as many turrets on the Krasnaya before the first torpedo bombers and Klaus arrive.

  • This mission is a pain. The torps and fighters are pretty easy, but I had a heack of a time getting all the turrets before the Reliant gets it. Can be done, you just have to be persistent. Stunter

  • You must be very good... I can´t hit anything with screamer. Use them only for Kurgens, turrets, Antonovs, anything slow-moving. Why in the hell would you use havoc ? You still have to tag them blasters. Why not bandits ? "I do not care who you were, from now on you´re part of the Navy-My family."

    Kusari Pizza Delivery: Whether it`s raining Blood Dragons, Golden Chrysanthemums, or Pirates - we deliver in under 30 minutes - or we commit seppuku....

  • No, I don´t use joystick. Keyboard rocks ! "I do not care who you were, from now on you´re part of the Navy-My family."

    Kusari Pizza Delivery: Whether it`s raining Blood Dragons, Golden Chrysanthemums, or Pirates - we deliver in under 30 minutes - or we commit seppuku....

  • I have tried almost everything to get through this mission. I´ve tried to follow the walk-through. I´ve even afterburned out to the area where these dang Kamovs appear and killed one before it even launched torps. But I still can´t get enough of the torps to advanced beyond this mission. As much as I´ve been trying these past 2 days, I find it hard to believe it´s my flying. My biggest problem is I can´t seems to lock onto some of these torps as they fly by to send a missle. I see them, dang near hit them as I fly by them with guns blazing, but can´t target them. Is it me or does this happen to others? I seem to target the Kamovs more often than the torps. I´ve gotten pretty good at hit these torps without any target lock, but that just takes too much time. Sitting by the Reliant and picking them off as they come in works, but to many arrive at the same time and seem to be on all side of the Reliant, thus making me move around the ship for a line of fire. My frustration level is going up and I know there´s got to be a better way. I just seem to be trying too hard. Chasing torps is getting old when you concentrate on one group only to have another group get through. I´ve used every combination of hardpoints and ships possible, nothing seems any better equiped to handle this mission. Creator of Privateer FAQ - life is a journey, not a destination!

  • 1st. Take the Predator. That little bit of extra speed makes all the difference, and load two fuel pods, you´ll be afterburning quite a bit. Take screamers for the other hardpoints, but you´ll only use them in the second part, after the torps are gone. 2nd. Do NOT target and kill Kamovs. Only, repeat, only target the torpedoes. Make sure the blindfire is enabled. Afterburn continually. Follow the hud´s guidance, and when it targets a Kamov, hit "t" til another torpedo is targeted. Killing the Kamovs brings you too far away from the other ones. There are four and they shoot at very distant locations from each other. Use only the primary weapon, bandits take too long to lock, and screamers can´t target. Once you´re within 50 klicks, start firing at the torp, it´ll take a couple of shots, but not too many. 3. Once Enriquez says it´s all clear, go right to the Krasnaya´s shield generator. Start using screamers along with primary weapons. Don´t take out the engines, just wastes time. Only take out the turrets. When the hud targets the engine, hit "r" to skip it and get the next turret. You may get some damage warnings, if you do, fly away only momentarily to regenerate your shields, then back to the turrets. Once they´re gone, you´re basically done. Gamma will nuke the ship and you´ll just clean up any fighters left. 4. It works, really. I was ready to chuck this game after a couple of days of this mission. Once you´re past this, you´ll be treated to some great torp free missions. "You Can´t Fight in Here, This is The War Room!"

    -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- The Next Thing I Say To You Will Be True The Last Thing I Said Was False

  • Until the last mission of the disc that is...then this mission will be cakewalk And i always thought that killing engines on capships make them easier to kill....stops them from running away but that´s just MHO

  • Boscoe, I´m still trying your technique. Good thing is I´m getting much closer using this strategy than any others, that for sure, thanks. I´m not about to give up though. I look at this as an even better indication of how good this game is and how well it´s been designed. To throw a mission like this in after relatively easy missions leading up to it is quite a surprise. I´ll make it...sometime soon. By the looks of it, this mission is going to look "easy" compared to some in the later stages. I can´t wait. I´ve only allowed one game to get the better of me and that was X-com, terror from the deep (ugh!). I´ll never say a space sim gets the best of me. I just need to "get my mind right" and destroy everything that moves, including those torps! :-) Long live the 45th! We need a special handshake or something... Creator of Privateer FAQ - life is a journey, not a destination!

  • Stinger, we do have a special handshake, but we can only show it to you once you´ve completed mission 8! <img src=smilies/icon_smile_wink.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle> Just keep saying, &quot;get torps, not Kamovs, get torps.......&quot; Bottom line, torp missions suck, but ya gotta get through them. Anyway, after you get through all the missions (you will, really) with the regular ships, then get SLedit and play with the stats and import all the goodies from the editing crew. It is commendable though to get through all 24 before you get the hex editor out! (otherwise we can´t show you the handshake!) <img src=smilies/icon_smile_big.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle> @ Ark: Normally you´re right on the capships engines, but in this mission it makes no difference. The Krasnaya won´t fly away even with the engines intact. (Maybe the Russian counterpart to Moose is the Captain?) <img src=smilies/icon_smile.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle> &quot;You Can´t Fight in Here, This is The War Room!&quot; Edited by - Boscoe on 1/4/01 12:23:59 AM

    -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- The Next Thing I Say To You Will Be True The Last Thing I Said Was False

  • Well Boscoe, I &quot;limped&quot; through the mission 2nite. <img src=smilies/icon_smile_big.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle> 3 Torp hits and the Krasnaya got away right before I got the last turret. <img src=smilies/icon_smile_sad.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle> So what´s that handshake now? :-) Creator of Privateer FAQ - life is a journey, not a destination! If it ain´t broke, you´re not hitting it hard enough!

  • Over the shoulder, behind the back, and you have to make strange &quot;Moose&quot; calls the whole time. <img src=smilies/icon_smile_big.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle> As long as you got through m8, you´ll be very happy to move on! Congrats. &quot;You Can´t Fight in Here, This is The War Room!&quot;

    -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- The Next Thing I Say To You Will Be True The Last Thing I Said Was False

  • That sounds like my fraternity handshake, ´cept we had to bellow out the school song while making the handshake! I am beginning to enjoy that mission now. In fact, I´ve gone back into that mission several times, enough now to see that ship uncloak when I took too much time to take out the turret on the cap ship. That was a real kick in the groin, because you could do nothing but watch. Then all those jump gates come in, WOW! I couldn´t quite understand what was being said at that point since I didn´t jump, I just flew around picking off fighters. At least I´m getting really good at nailing those torps! Hehehe. Creator of Privateer FAQ - life is a journey, not a destination! If it ain´t broke, you´re not hitting it hard enough!

  • It´ll takes some work, but you´ll get it stinger. Boscoe has the right plan. Your probably making more than one pass to blow up the turrets, and that´s costing you time. You need to take out turrets in one pass as much as you can. Once you line up the turret, slow down a bit, pump some power to the shields, and use the screamers in tandem with the guns. What I do is line up the screamers, pump them till the turret is down to about 75%, and then finish them off with guns. The key is controlling your speed, so you get the job done in one shot. Having to line up another pass just makes it harder. Don´t forget the radar jammer, it will help alleviate the flak you get from the turrets. Edited by - RAMJET on 1/12/01 4:21:07 AM Edited by - RAMJET on 1/12/01 4:24:10 AM

  • Stinger, Boscoe and RAMJET are correct. When going after turrets, I usually hit the F key (Full Guns, which is massive firepower...but draining) and use Screamers...or, if you get them yet, Raptors are nice too (especially since they target). I´ve also taken a few moments and hit my &quot;S&quot; key (target next subtarget/turret) and then hit my F5 key (Hit my target)...believe it or not, this does work! I´ve used it several times for several missions...but you need to hit S and F5 several times...I usually do it 5 or 6 times. Good luck! Edited by - Digger on 1/13/01 10:59:14 PM

    Digger - If my wingmen would do their job, my name would be different

  • Just another observation with this mission. When you´re getting ready to torp hunt, and you hear Enriquez say &quot;I spoke too soon&quot;, I´ve discovered a bit of a failsafe method. Using even the Coyote (obviously predator with more speed works too), if you are next to the Reliant when those torp bombers first srrive on the scene, one of them is noticable closer than the others (about 100 clicks closer). That is the one that fires the first missle too BTW. If you ID that one and &quot;fly like the wind&quot; towards it, you´ll see that first torp being launched. IGNORE it, and blow past it and eliminate that bomber (doesn´t take much). This eliminates three torps that remain unfired. As soon as you see the bomber blow up, do a 180 and lock on that torp you just flew by. Get within 20-40 clicks and match speeds. Go for a ride long enough to get within site of the Reliant (it´s obvious headed that direction) and then explode it and move on to next torp. From there it´s afterburn city but you have 3 less total torps to deal with and you´re back next to the Reliant! Reducing the radar range seems to be of a big help too, especially once you take a ride with the first torp back to the Reliant. Don´t forget to lead them torps, even with blindfire. I´ve duplicated this at least 6 times in a row and taking out that first bomber really ups the odds on succeeding in this mission. Creator of Privateer FAQ - life is a journey, not a destination! If it ain´t broke, you´re not hitting it hard enough!

  • I´llbedarned...that works! Course, we all told you to keep after it! <img src=smilies/icon_smile_tongue.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle> No wonder you´re a vice admiral! <img src=smilies/icon_smile_big.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle> Digger - If my wingmen would do their job, my name would be different

    Digger - If my wingmen would do their job, my name would be different

  • Take out the Engines first, it will buy you some time Pick the target...Shoot the target...Shoot more...Run out ammo.. Ram them like Foster did...Then kill frenchy.

    What is our aim?...Victory, victory at all costs, victory in spite of all terror; victory, however long and hard the road may be; for without victory, there is no survival. -Churchill