How do you get a NPC gunboat to attack?

  • I have noticed that NPC gunboats don't seem too interested in engaging enemy ships. They like to keep to their patrol path and off they go ignoring enemy fire. I was wondering has anyone got gunboats to engage enemy ships properly?

  • I've tried changing the pilot and also played around with the shipsclasses.ini and got nothing to work. When the gunboat is attacked it seems more intent on docking than attacking back. It flies straight past enemy ships and even if cruise disrupted it just tries to fire up its engines and carry on.

    I have noticed that larger capital ships are slighty similar. They attack enemy ships but don't deviate from their path.

  • I think I have worked it out. If you change the state_graph in npcships.ini to FIGHTER then the gunboat does engage enemy ships. Just need it to behave a bit better in aiming its guns and avoiding enemy fire.