Your opinion needed

  • Based on the discussions about the new structures here at TLR, especially the ones of the download section and the Mod database I can into a question that I am having a few small concerns.

    At first we want to fill our page with quality content. So the structural approach to seperate the Mod presentations from each other and create sub-sections for finished mod, mods in development an so on appears to me a good choice.
    The optimum situation would be if Mod creators come here and submit their Mods overview, features, images,...
    However the question left open is "what do we do with mods that are still activly running, or famous mods when the Mod creators are not active members of the FL community anylonger?".

    Should we loose the presentation of such cool mods or should we probably take care of such presentation and post them by our own?

  • I wouldnt loose the mod or anything. and we shouldnt be picky on what mods we show off.

    As i cant speak on behalf of Swwt Admin/Dev team. i as a member would say try and reach out to the them and find out if they can have one of there admins to post over here in the right forum the mod overview and a link back to there forums. well as give a whole forum to them if need be. such as for Tech support and other things. but im so sure they would do tech support off there own forums. as it would be a better choice to give tech support on there forums.

    If you like i can contact one of the admins and see what they think. and pm you or have him contact you. if you like.

    TLR hasnt been the most stable site and has in the past changed hands afew times. which can cause some Admin/Dev teams to worry if the time put in to maintaining another site. such as a whole forum/thread to nothing but there mod is even wroth it. such as Ads,videos and other stuff along the lines.

    Dont get me wrong. im just saying what i think might be one of the problems. and im simply trying to say what is one of the problems. if you can get the message out that TLR has a stable future. i think you guys can totaly get TLR where it needs to be and where it should be. And im here 100% with TLR as i have been since 2004.

  • for mods that are no longer active posting some screenshots would be nice, only thing about that is with the number of defunct mods available it would take a while to do all of that