About *.sur files

  • Hello there...

    ...and happy new year to all !

    Few times ago, I downloaded the Asylum51 Ship Pack and I use some of the wonderfull models in it. I noticed that some don't have a *.sur file (especially Auger's and Skystalker's models). I tried and all works perfectly, the ships are viable. My questions are:
    - Is the *sur file really important?
    - Is the sur integrated into the *.cmp file
    - Or can the *.mat file joined do the job instead?

    It is good to precise that I never used a 3D editing software.

    Thanks by advance

  • The sur file is a simplified version of the ship model. It is an extra file which is used by FL to handle surface and hit detection.
    If the file is missing then your ship does not take damage from gunshots or collision.

    Thanks for answering

    Well, I thus have a problem. I guess the only way is to create the needed file, but how can I do this? As I said in my previous post, I never used a 3D software, and honnestly, I don't even understand the user interfaces.

  • now thats a complicated question. Creating good and working surs is an art... its one of the most complicated modding topics. There are meanwhile tools which automatically create surs... but since these tools never worked correctly (as far as i can tell) I can not give you an advice on this matter.

  • ... but since these tools never worked correctly (as far as i can tell) I can not give you an advice on this matter.

    Absolutely true.

    I found a few tuts on another website and followed them
    I tried to import / export with the rights plugins into Milkshape 3D, tried "OBJ. to SUR Converter", nothing work properly, it generate a *.sur file but once done, I can't load the *.cmp file into Hard CMP anymore. Furthermore, the ship seems take damage in game, but less that it should have, example: a simple bomber react as a battleship (i checked the hitpoints on the shiparch.ini file , of course).

    Well, it seems the only solution I have is to change all models, it's a shame because the ships choosen are really nice and I understand better why I never saw them in other mods.

    Now, one task: change about 10 models...grrrrr.

    Any way, thanks for your answers

    ...and by the way, if any modeler want to help, he would be more than welcome
    here's my website adress:

    The Threat Forums

    EDIT: YAY 8o I found a working method, have a look here:

    OBJ -> SUR converter tutorial by Ben Kai

    Easy, simple, i created the file in less than 5 minutes. I tested the ship and all works fine :)

  • Hi,

    Thanks for the tips on this.

    A few weeks ago I've started modelling ships again and indeed found it strange that my custom ships didn't take any damage or collided against other objects. It seems that only the mounted weapons (vanilla weps from FL) took hits. I even could fly right through these custom ships...really weird and unnatural.

    So I was searching for a way to solve this all but without success.
    I've read about the sur files and what they are for. That's clear to me.
    The point is that I can't get the damage hits and collisions to work properly.
    I've used the sur exporter v1.1 for Milkshape, but didn't work.
    Then I followed the tutorial by Ben Kai, but also no luck.

    I wonder if it's necessary to specify the collision groups in the shiparch.ini.
    And if so, how does it work?

    Normally I won't bother the good people here and try to solve things by myself, but I can't get it to work this time.

    I'm known with the most FL tools, although sometimes it's a bit guessing by trial and error.
    I'm an average modeler/modder in general and so far I've created a custom system and custom faction.
    Now that I'm busy with modeling custom ships, gunboats, cruisers, weapon platforms and even bases it's important to me to get the collisions and damage control to work correctly.

    I hope someone can lead me the way to accomplish this.

    Thanks in advance!