Mission scripts: "Mess with the Jumpers, and you'll get the fangs"

  • Those are King and Juni:

    I spawn King and Juni using this:

    1. [MsnFormation]
    2. nickname = ontrent_formation
    3. position = 39989, -110, -15661
    4. orientation = 0, 0, 1, 0
    5. formation = fighter_basic
    6. ship = King
    7. ship = Juni

    King and Juni form on Trent (player) using this:

    The problem is that when I jump, the formation breaks. I'm using this line for the jumpout condition:

    1. Cnd_NPCSystemEnter = Iw02, player, ontrent_formation

    I tried using just Cnd_SystemEnter, not working.
    Also tried to give the ObjList to the NPCs again, not working.
    Any help please? Thanks :)