House Enemy Listing

  • So Bretonia is mad at me. I want to make it better by beating on their foes. They list Molly's, Outcast, Red Hessins, Lane hackers in order as the bad guys.

    T do this quickly, should I go after the 1st name on the list, or just list names. In other words, are the enemy's listed like an FBI most wanted list (i.e. #1 hated to #5 hated) or just random (i.e. we hate these groups)

    Any help / input? As I said.... Brit's hate me for the dealing with Coursicans, now need a close place to unload the artifacts & need to get good with them again, but quickly.


  • All I can say is sometimes (if not always) working on rep w/ friends of your target faction can help. Beating on their enemies is definite help, helping their friends should be as well. Wish I had more right now -- Good Luck and Good Freelancing!

    "A little excitement in an otherwise dull day..."

  • Just to let you all know, I spent days trying to beat up Hessins (3rd on list) with no advancement.

    Went to Dublin & chased Mollys (1st on list). Lo & behold the Brits like me again.

    So to answer my own question....

    Is the 'we hate these guys' list from worst to least..... yes. 1st listed will get you more brownie points then attacking the last listed.

    Clear as mud??