Free Freelancer?

  • I heard not too long ago that Microsoft released Freelancer for free about a year ago. Is that still floating around on the Internet? I've been googling since I heard about it but I can't seem to find it. Like, anywhere. Then I was directed here, but I don't see a download for it here either. Maybe some of you can shed some light on it for me?

  • If Freelancer was for free and on this site, I think this place would crash. :o

    Sorry, I don't think Microsoft would ever let that happen, not to a successful game as Freelancer. There are lots of mods here, however.

  • Actually, the MechCommander series has been released as a freeware in the form of a source code ready to be compiled. Putting the FREE back into Freelancer is just wishful thinking for the time being, I'm afraid...

  • Quote from "Nicknick"

    isnt a source code just the .exe part of a product

    No, all the custom libraries used (such as .dll) are compiled from it, and it also contains all sorts of scripts, which can be left as they are or encoded/compressed, depending on the engine of the game/app. All resources, such as videos, images and audio material is provided as well, of course.

  • Quote from "Setsuna"

    No, all the custom libraries used (such as .dll) are compiled from it, and it also contains all sorts of scripts, which can be left as they are or encoded/compressed, depending on the engine of the game/app. All resources, such as videos, images and audio material is provided as well, of course.

    I just wanted to get some clarity, since most games get their source code released after a while (like Unreal Tournament 3 ).

  • For Unreal Tournament 3, I believe they released the game engine's source code. The point of that is that you can make mods that are more robust than simple mod tools would allow.

    If you release the entire game's source code, you're making the game free.

  • Quote from "raptir"

    If you release the entire game's source code, you're making the game free.

    thats how it goes

    product X consists of:

    - source code (aka instructions humans can understand) -> compiled(aka translated into instructions computer can understand) = .exe
    - data (pics, videos) <- this part is not code(aka instructions), and game does not function w/o it.

    Each part alone is useless w/o another, for a regular user ofc. Delete the "data" folder from Freelancer and see if the game will start with code alone.

  • This fine game is very reasonably priced and the cost is a good return on the investment in making it, it is a huge investment to develop a game like FL, and it is good to say thank you by buying it.