Is there a server looking for a police force?

  • well we think we have found one guys...earendil´s server. We are looking for a place that is having a bit of trouble with modders and wants to try to reduce the ammount of trouble...we managed to do this quite well on Argonus...

  • For those of you who don´t know who´s server is Earendil´s, it´s mine! See <A href=´;pagesize=20&amp;forum_title=Freelancer+Server+Forum&amp;topic_title=New+TLR+affiliated+server&amp;forum_id=22&amp;topic_id=15916´ Target=_Blank>here</a> and see the server name below. --------------- Earendil SysAdmin of Boston Freelancer server

    Earendil[[]RN] Sysadmin for Boston Freelancer server [[]RN] Honor before beauty

  • I could use some server admins on Freelancer Heaven. I´m not always on that much, but cheaters run rampant on my server too often. I just banned another about 30 minutes ago. Any help you guys can add would be welcome. ___________________________________ There is no knowledge that is not power.

    ___________________________________ There is no knowledge that is not power.

  • Captain Tylor , You could start up a Server Deputy corp, like the one for Elite. (Check the Elite Rules sticky) &quot;Got anything for me?&quot; - Trent, A.K.A. ´Mr. Eloquent´

  • Capt. Taylor, Check the downloads here for a thing called FLOperator. It is the better srever, it also adds a anti-cheat and anti-mod program that automaticly bans the cheater as soon as the cheat is activated. (it watches for things like jumps from level 1 to 38 by a just joined player.) PunkZombie, He hates EA, He hates WestWood´s choice to join EA, EA can burn in F^&amp;^#*! Hell for all I care. I will be waiting for the game &quot;Who Wants To Beat Up A EA Employee&quot;.

  • I have a few appointed server admins, but they´re not always on, especially with school back in session. all I really need is a handful of people to help out. I´ll check that server utility out. could you give more info on what it considers cheating? ___________________________________ There is no knowledge that is not power.

    ___________________________________ There is no knowledge that is not power.

  • The beta testers (I am one) could wax eloquent on what FLSO does for sysadmins and against cheaters! Nevertheless a picture is worth a thousand words and the program itself is worth more than that. OK, I´ll let a little slip out, how about display <b>everything </b> in any character´s ship, <i>including running lights! </i> I think JoeBoomz mentioned it will be out shortly, within a week or so (maybe). It is as effective (in a slightly different way but no less effective) against cheaters as Lancerguard and the v1.1 patch put together and much more! And that is not all it can do! Sysadmins will be very happy after getting this program, even modded server sysadmins. Joe´s test server is his own which is modded but some of his beta tester´s servers are not modded. So patience, Grasshoppa! <b>Disclaimer: </b> <i>Joe may change what was, what is or what was said to be in FLSO at any time. </i> Nevertheless FLSO will still kick a**! Joe if I got anything wrong, I´m sorry but I´m sure you´ll tell me. <img src=smilies/icon_smile_big.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle> By the way AR is now getting established on Boston Freelancer server. Feel free to come by and say hi and Freelance mostly in peace. Watch out though, on the server, &quot;Thar be pirates here!&quot;. --------------- Earendil SysAdmin of Boston Freelancer server

    Earendil[[]RN] Sysadmin for Boston Freelancer server [[]RN] Honor before beauty

  • I would like some polices. Contact ya when my servers up and running.

    [img=] [img=] [img=]

  • Well, finaly managed to get a server thet works. Now im searchig for members to my <A href=´;forum_id=19&amp;Topic_Title=The+Order+%3Ci%3ETO+%3C%2Fi%3E&amp;forum_title=Freelancer+Multiplayer+Forum&amp;cat_title=&amp;M=False´ Target=_Blank>clan</a>. If you are interested, give it a shoot at &quot;;. The server will be runneed whit IONCROSS FLSO; Freelancer Server Operator, so all cheaters will be banned/have their equip chaged, if the admin (me) decide to do so. The admin will also be able to send money transfer for a mission he wants to be done by a active player. Report bugs, errors and PKers at the above email. My rules are simple: - No PKing (1 warning) - No Dock PKing (2 warnings) - No MOD´s (Kick for 1 to 4 hours) - No PKing around Manhattan and NY (Complete bann) If the clan works out, i will maybe consider grades, and are always open for new ideas. As i said, give me a shoot at &quot;;.

    [img=] [img=] [img=]

  • Just out of curiousity , you say it bans people who jump from lvl 1 to lvl 38 , how about getting money from another player , or what I usually do , transfer money from one character to the next (actually i transfer ordnance by ejecting it switching character and tractoring it in again) , this bumps all my new characters immediately to lvl 30+ with a million bucks or so Time is too short to hate everybody , just hate a few

    I know you have to remove the refrigerator door when placing it at the curb , but then the neighbours kid would get away for sure , damn moral dillema`s

  • AR´s forums are <A href=´´ Target=_Blank>here</a>. <img src=smilies/icon_smile_tongue.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle> X-Treme, beatcha to it! Edit: I´m a Captain! --------------- Earendil SysAdmin of Boston Freelancer server Edited by - Earendil on 23-09-2003 15:00:24

    Earendil[[]RN] Sysadmin for Boston Freelancer server [[]RN] Honor before beauty