• That sounds way too absurd to be true.... although life normally is weirder than fiction. RILMS is the only one I can note immediately in the OT that´s Canadian.

  • They want to tax it, that´s why the law is there. Sir S

    ___________________________________________________________ Sir Spectre giving the Spammysburg Address on 5/13/2004 22:21 PST: 12 posts and 2 days ago, we brought forth on this forum a new direction, conceived in spam and dedicated to the preposition that all posts are created useless. Now we are engaged in a great civil disobedience testing whether that thread or any thread so conceived and so dedicated can long endure. We are met on a great forum of that nonsense. We have come to dedicate a portion of that forum as a final resting-place for those topics that gave of their importance that spam might live. It is altogether fitting and proper that we should do this ... blah blah blah, spam spam spam.

  • EB is a Canadian from Canadia as well. Now then, do these Canadian govt licences have to be bi-lingual as well? And how is it going to be enforced in Moose Jaw or some other godforsaken place where the polar bears outnumber the humans? Are the Mounties going to come to your house (politely closing the gate behind them) and ask to see your TV licence? I have the answer! pretend to be French then they have to go and get the text of the decree in French, and while Dudley Doright is going back to his horse, get rid of the receiver and feign innocence. Or pretend to be an Eskimo. if its for tax purposes then maple syrup must be a declining source of income <img src=smilies/icon_smile_sad.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle>

    "for once, i`ll actually tell you what i was thinking; but maybe i won`t have anything to say.."

  • The so-called &quot;grey&quot; satellite dishes are indeed illegal up here in Canada. Basically, &quot;grey&quot; dishes are ones that are not licensed by the Canadian government. In my area, BellVu and StarChoice are ones that are allowed so far. As far as licensing is concerned, there are many reasons. One is that the Canadian government doesn´t want the US market to flood Canada. Another probably is the CRTC Canadian content requirements. Taxes, as mentioned before, could be another factor.

  • A friend of mine has an illegal canadian stalite, he lives in NY, and uses to watch Hockey 24/7. BEvilR says: always remeber to Check that the toilet flushes at a friends house before decideing to throw up at a party. BEvilR says: remember to bring your own bottled water when you visit mexico.

    When I was In grade school I refered to me and my friends as the stoners who didn`t use drugs to get stoned, we were either naturaly that weird and srewed up or we had been awake for 3 days. Beening Awake for 3 days has all the halucinations of drugs. But its free, well not really, you have to pay for $100 worth of jolt, and red bull. And the best part is just as Much Brain Damage!!!!

  • @Mee. As long as we are what we are, we are Yankees, Yanquis to many. Part of the reason for its use is to annoy. Part is because we actually did call ourselves Yankees early on. Think of it this way, in relative comparison what other countrymen

  • Ever seen the movie &quot;Canadian Bacon&quot; Where John Candy is driving in Canada down the road with a giant truck that says &quot;Canada Sucks!&quot; He then get´s pulled over by a cop and think he´s screwed. Instead the cop tells him about the law that all advertising and signs must be in both English and French. Then John Candy is forced to write &quot;Canada Sucks!&quot; In french. Then in another part of the movie as John Candy´s *evil* plan, he decides to cross the great lakes and litter. They get caught again and again think they´re screwed, but instead the Mounties ask them politely to stop littering and to &quot;Go back where you came from.&quot; Then one of the Mounty tells the other that he can´t end a sentence on a proposition and says he should have said &quot;Go back from where you came.&quot; Then John Candy and Co. slip away. Hilarious flick!!! <img src=smilies/icon_smile_big.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle> should definitely check it out.

  • &quot;canadian Bacon&quot; is ace, much better than &quot;Wag the Dog&quot; I particularly liked the line &quot;let´s drop bombs onto...Toronto&quot; actually RILMS I have never been to Canadia so therefore have no real opinion on it´s sparsely populated hinterland and indigenous population of moose. It´s a big red bit up in the top left hand part of the world map of the British Empire (now Commonwealth)

    "for once, i`ll actually tell you what i was thinking; but maybe i won`t have anything to say.."