• Yep, Photoshop strikes again. <img src=smilies/icon_smile_wink.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle>

    Proud owner of a MacBook: 2.2 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo
    2 GB 667 MHz DDR2 SDRAM 120 GB hard drive
    Mac OSX Leopard 10.5.5

    The time has come, Join The Resistance!

  • <font size=1 face="trebuchet ms"><BLOCKQUOTE><hr size=1 noshade>forgive me if I don´t believe you. <hr size=1 noshade></BLOCKQUOTE></font><font face=´trebuchet ms, Verdana, Arial, Helvetica´ size=2> believe what you want if youl´d heard me last night, though i don´t know how text can sound, i must have said the same four letter word six times <img src=smilies/icon_smile_big.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle>

  • mind you that box floating in the middle of the window with no obvious means of support looks a bit scary...

    "for once, i`ll actually tell you what i was thinking; but maybe i won`t have anything to say.."

  • and is that ceiling artexed? how very 80s <img src=smilies/icon_smile_wink.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle> Edited by - Tawakalna (Reloaded) on 8/28/2005 10:25:22 AM

    "for once, i`ll actually tell you what i was thinking; but maybe i won`t have anything to say.."

  • Honestly now, Jabez, you interrupted a <i>very </i> serious discussion about floating your consciousness out of the physical human brain where it can solely exist, and how dead folks and mythological characters can invade our personal space, manifesting themselves in various shapes and forms for the express purpose of scaring us. Your mockery of such a legitimate and deeply scientific subject is uncalled for and disrespectful. Shame on you! Seriously though, I think you are all taking this a bit far. Remember Ockham´s Razor, that the solution requiring the fewest assumptions is the best. While the idea of astral projection may be more confortable for some of you, it is not the best explanation, simply because hallucination does the job more efficiently. I will attempt to demonstrate: Assumptions Required for Hallucination Theory: 1) The human brain is capable of completely taking over all sensory perceptions and recording them to memory based on no apparant cause or stimulus. 2) The subject in some way has already stored somewhere in their memories the ideas which are witnessed during the hallucination. Assumptions Required of Astral Projection Theory: 1) There exists a consciousness that is above and/or seperate from the chemical workings of the brain. 2) This consciousness is able to detach itself from its ´host´ body either accidentally or at will, and reattach itself without trouble 3) This consciousness is able to store memories that are then written to the brain in some way, allowing the subject to recall his or her experiences. Because Taw provided so much detail on his experience, I shall be cruel and offer scientific critique on it <img src=smilies/icon_smile.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle> Further Assumptions for Astral Projection Theory: 1) At least three members of the Classical Greek/Roman pantheon exist. 2) There exist beings of such high intelligence and power that they were likened to and worshipped as gods by a large portion of the ancient world. 3) These three members of the pantheon happen to look like the pictures drawn by some modern artist´s impression. 4) These ´gods´ (for wont of a better term) speak english (or whatever language <i>you </i> ´think´ in, so to speak) 5) These gods (sic) expect you to know how to pay correct homage to Mother Earth. Further Assumptions for Hallucination Theory: 1) You have in the past, not necessarily consciously, come into contact with images of Zeus, Apollo and Hermes and have these images stored somewhere in your memories. 2) You recognised these images as mythical gods subconsciously. Those are admittedly only the ones I could think of at half past one in the morning. Will add more later. Sorry to present such a sceptical and purely scientific view in a discussion on the paranormal, but I felt what was being posted was very one-sided.

  • fair enough. all good and valid points. I didn´t say it was definitely 100% real, but i did say:- a/i experienced it, whatever it was. thats the only thing i have no doubt about b/ it was very confusing during and afterwards and for a long time (many years actually) I pretended it had never happened. c/ i don´t what *they* if *they* were ever really there expected me to do. how the hell do i pay homage to the earth? what does that mean? d/ i should have been clearer - *they* didnt actually speak, as such. their lips never moved except to smile. i heard their voices in my thoughts, in the vision or whatever it was. again bear in mind that I wasnt in any way stimulated by drink or drugs, i wasn´t particularly stressed or excited, it was actually a pleasnt period in my life, work was going well and out first child was about 6 months old and seettling down nicely. weird sh*t like that (however unthreatening) was just about the last thing i wanted to happen, and apart from the previous expereience with sleep paralysis at uni, things like this had never happened to me in my life. id had hallucinations before when id been ill and feverish, i know what theyre like. id also seen what tricks the mind can play when in strange surroudings or under pressure. this was very different in every respect from anything id experienced before and the immediacy of it was particularly striking. im not saying it wasnt an hallucination - but if it was it was particularly complex and concrete. I am quite prepared to admit that i had seen illustrations of these particular figures many times and of course i considered that my own subconscious was filling in the details - i actually thought that first while it was happening! but you are assuming that Occam´s Razor is *usually* correct. while its a great tool and certainly works as far as logic goes, that doesnt mean it is infallible or even necessarily apt. persoanlly i think the most rational explanation if I had to supply one myself is delayed LSD flashbacks from the acid and mushrooms i caned when i was a few years younger. however thats *rational* explanation, which may not necessarily be (and i suspect, as the years go on, never was) the correct explanation, although its an easy one. simple answers are in themselves misleading, oftimes. do i think Greek gods visit me and whisk me off to lands unknown? no. I´m not that special, i´m sure if they exist at all they have better stuff to do with their time than annoy me, who the hell am I? but I <i>suspect </i> that something was trying to communicate with me and chose that medium and that imagery to convey its mmessage. possibly it was purely internal after all, but the question remains - <i>why? </i> was there no purpose? it just happened and that was that? some misplaced neurons firing off because of some excess or lack of a particular neuro-chemical? Ive been in far more extreme states since and no such thing has ever happened to me again. if id been asleep i could ahve just ignored it as a dream, if id been ill id have dismissed it as hallucination, if id been caning the happy pills then that would be self-explanatory.

    "for once, i`ll actually tell you what i was thinking; but maybe i won`t have anything to say.."

  • Evil Thing if that is what you can post at one in the morning then I cant wait to see what you can post at a reasonable hour. I would like to know what you make about my post on astral travel especially since I took mesures to prevent a halusionation. Since I also have a scientific mind I have looked at the encounter from many different views, I like to see all sides of an argument, and it was a fear of haveing a halusionation ( this was a serious undertakeing, not something to take lightly)that i did take the precausions that I did, as well as the protecion in the form of the circle (which I see as a focus for my willpower not as something supernatrual). But in the end this insident was a deeply spiritual ( not religious, there is a difference) for me and set me down a path that has been of great good for me and helped me survive many of lifes troubles. Blessed Be to all those that still dream of the flight to the stars.

    Blessed Be to all those that still dream of the flight to the stars. quote " You wouldn`t like my Happy Place it is full of blood, carnage, and destruction" :ME :)

  • (SW, no offence.) But I dreamed that SW came over to my house and started spraying my dog with the garden hose. Then she kicked my mail box and said &quot;Project Revolution SUCKS!&quot; I am not sure if it was SW in my dream, but it looked a lot like her and who else that looks exactly like here could know about PR? Edited by - Killa (The Revolution) on 8/28/2005 7:03:59 PM

    __________________________ Okay, since someone who will remain nameless was offended by my last sentence, I`ve changed it. For those of you who just can`t wait, I`ve finally started a new fanfic, The Holocaust! __________________________ 4 8 15 16 23 42 Twenty bucks to whoever can tell me what the deal is with those numbers. I`ll give you a hint: They have somthing to do with a guy named Hurley. (Congrats to Taw, he was the first to get it right.)

  • @Taw Ok, now I come to stage of dissecting your posts <img src=smilies/icon_smile_wink.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle> I will stop using the Razor anyway, because as you said: it is a tool, not a truth. <font size=1 face="trebuchet ms

  • &quot;Evil Thing if that is what you can post at one in the morning then I cant wait to see what you can post at a reasonable hour.&quot; i took it to be a compliment from h-a, because it was rather impressive writing. at 1:30 in the morning <i>I </i> can´t even pee straight! you aren´t bullying me at all <img src=smilies/icon_smile.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle> I appreciate the effort you´ve put, after all in, it might well be exactly as you say. I have never discounted that it was all internal. but what if it wasn´t? bear in mind that, <i>before </i> such things happened to me, i´d have said pretty much what you said. What you haven´t told us is if such things have ever happened to you. i´ll be honest with you; in recent years I´ve <i>chosen </i> to believe there was more to it because thats better than me being bonkers or unconscious slave to environmental stimui. course I cant <i>prove </i> any of it. for all you know i might be making the whole thing up (i´m not though) And I´m generally happier with that - it also means I stay away from nastiness, which, if i was a complete disbeleiver as i used to be, I´d be far less wary of. And nastiness is something i dont want any part of ta. hence why I wont let ouija boards in the house, or even Tarot cards. just in case. &quot;so why is pure, purposeless chemistry so hard to accept? because i´m closer to dying than you are, and thoughts of the afterlife weigh heavily on the mind in such circumsatnces. listen, when i eventually pop off, if I can I´ll come back and we´ll have a natter then <img src=smilies/icon_smile.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle> and I´ll do unpleasant things to you if you think I´m some cheese you ate too late for going to bed <img src=smilies/icon_smile.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle> Edited by - Tawakalna (Reloaded) on 8/30/2005 8:14:15 AM

    "for once, i`ll actually tell you what i was thinking; but maybe i won`t have anything to say.."

  • Evil Thing as Taw said I ment the 1 am thing as a compiment. and as for blameing my OBE as a lucid dream I have to say no to that, A few years before that I had a long bout of these kind of dreams and while there was a sureal sence to them and I did have control in these dreams these had a very different feel to them. Most of the lucid dreams I had stemed from the very high level of stress I was experenceing for many years at that time (I remember takeing a stress test in health class and I scored so far into the red I was off the chart,I even asked the teacher to let me use a calculator to make sure I did the math right lol) and as such these lucid dreams were more of a very frightining nature and something I hope noone has to go throu.The OBE I experenced was not surreal at all, the mention of how the sky looked was just how my mind could interpit what I was seeing so it could handle it ( I could be wrong on that but not to sure how else to word it)and as for the beings I encountered I said that they first showed thenselves as human but I knew that was not their real shape, so when I asked them to show their real shape what I saw was more of a emotional preseption then visual (this is also very hard to explaine unless you have also experenced it, someting I dont sugest you do lightly) and I know that I have never came across anything to influance a halusination to show me something like this. If anything if you are correct I should have seen some religious figure from one of the many religions I have read up on.This did not happen. As for your comments on the spirit who attacked me (and I did say that it was most likely a spirit that was mad at me for draging it from its rest) form what litle I have read on sleep paralisis this was not the case because I had full freedom of movement and it was becuse of the circle that stoped the spirit from attacking me and with the added push of my willpower sent it back to were it belonged (when a preist does an exerisim, and there are few public documents of this occuring, they do the same useing both their willpower and their belief in their religion) As Taw said I also was skeptical of what is preceved as the &quot;supernatrual&quot; in fact I dont beleve in the word supernatrual because it is all very natrual for these things to happen, you just have to be at the wrong place at the right time lol. Evil thing I truely do hope you never belive in these things because most of the time to go from being a skeptic to someone who knows that this stuff is real ( I cant bring myself to say believer because that sends the wrong piture) you would have to experence it for yourself, and if you do it wount be because you are seeking it out it will hppen when you least expected. And this can be a extreamly disterbing thing.So keep being skeptical and keep being safe. Blessed Be to all those that still dream of the flight to the stars.

    Blessed Be to all those that still dream of the flight to the stars. quote " You wouldn`t like my Happy Place it is full of blood, carnage, and destruction" :ME :)

  • Note: Individuals who utilize LSD can have flashbacks and hallucinations YEARS after utilizng the substance. If it was 1-2 years after, it MAY potentially be a random flashback hallucination.

  • Lucid dreams? Scary? If you can control the dream, could you not have simply altered the dreamscape and/or situation? Or was the lucidity not quite as lucid as that? I have also heard that when you confront what ails you in dreams, particularly lucid dreams, that it becomes much less frightening, often turning into something weak and pathetic. God how I want to have lucid dreams. Why can´t I bloody have lucid dreams? Curse you whatever controls lucid dreams. Edited by - Balthazar Furious on 8/31/2005 1:56:57 AM