Is there a way to lock jumpgates and tradelanes when your faction rep is negative?

  • What you have to remember is that in the story Trent &amp; Juni need to use them to flee Liberty. So any alterations will mean you´ll never get out of Liberty alive , as the badlands are a hell of a long way to go on cruise with all of Liberty after you. Rebalance 3.5 Dev. Team <A href=´´ Target=_Blank></a>

  • Erm.... didn´t Trent and Juni flee Liberty via a forgotton jump gate in the badlands near Icarus Station rather than the normal Jump Gates? My memories not so great though, it´s been a veeerrryyyy long time since I last played vanilla Freelancer. Freeworlds Mod Developer Author of Modular Station ´There is no Good nor Evil in the universe, just perceptions and circumstances.´

    Freeworlds Mod Developer Author of Modular Station `There is no Good nor Evil in the universe, just perceptions and circumstances.`

  • tradelanes and gates CAN be hostile,you´re just not making the right factions my cvfc roleplay enhancer mod(MP only) in mod announcements and play as a xeno or other disreputable faction - you´ll see they can´t use jumpgates or tradelanes. Edited by - Cold_Void on 8/31/2005 7:55:53 PM

  • cold ... ur talkin about CVFC Server Configuration MOD and Faction and Character Selector? how did u do that anyway cuz i didnt got the chance to test it or see it :p im refering to lockin gates lanes cuz other stuff is clear to me. Edited by - k

  • errrr...uhhhh....Blackhole, if you cant backspace just highlight what you want to delete and type over it...<img src=smilies/icon_smile_shock.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle>

  • The future is not bright for the lad if he cannot utilise either cursors or mouse to move the cursor to another position, and use the delete key. Oh dear, oh dear indeed!

  • In another thread Argh suggested to edit the weapons of Jumpgates killing even strongest ship/shield. That would be a <i> de facto </i> closed JG. For Jump Holes you had to create/edit some weapon platforms nearby. If you set the damage values high enough even the fastest freelancers in space would have to face zero-tolerance <img src=smilies/icon_smile_big.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle>