get station commodities list w/o docking?

  • In that case maybe a mod which adds all the info and merely activates it when a station in question is in sight? Or something, revisiting stations is rather boring when replaying, not to say time consuming.

  • Not that much call for it, ubnless in an online mod with some sort of dynamic economy, once you visit a station, it's buying abd selling prices can be viewed via the cargo screen on your ship, traderoutes wil show you which known stations pay what for the goods in question...


    Terror Trooper #666

    Give a man a fire and he's warm for a day...
    Set a man on fire and he's warm for the rest of his life...

  • Well, theres something you can do using FLMM script or manually editing the INIs: in every system, add to every base the entry "Visit = 1" (or set it to 1 if it already exists. This way you'll be able to view every base's info before docking it, but it ruins the fun of exploring, since you see the bases in the navmap as soon as you enter the system.

  • Oh thats very interesting. I could set visit=1 for all major stations. I think Trent could very well be aware where New London or New Tokyo are.

    Do you mean \DATA\UNIVERSE\SYSTEMS\RH01\Rh01.ini? There are multiple "visit" entries, all with different values, i dont understand why are they there, since it also depends from savegame no?

  • The visit values are 0, 1, and 128. 0 is neutral, 1 means the player can always see this object, and 128 means that the object is hidden from the navmap and will never appear, even if you dock with them.
    You got the right INI file, now let me explain: Zones (souch as population zones or jump zones) will always have the 128 value. Bases (which appear under a specific nickname e.g rh01_01) will either have no visit entry, or have a 1 value. What you need to do is to add a visit value of 1 to every base.

  • You are my hero. :D

    It following correct? ( linebreaks ommited)

    50 times or so, according roughly to this thread. Thats a lot of overhead. :( any way to reduce spam?

  • Glad I could help

    well, your code is currec. you can enshort the section to the nickname only, without the "[object] nickname = " if you use FLMM 1.31. Sorry, no way to reduce spam. its a pretty hard work but its worth it.

    I recommand you to first check it with one base if it works, because theres another possibility if it doesn't which is shorter. If this one works, the other one doesn't work and vice versa.

  • Did you break the section and source lines into 3, if I recall correctly, the flmm docs say only 1 tag per line so...

    1. [section] [object] param = value [/section]

    ...might not work, try...

    1. [section]
    2. [object]
    3. param = value
    4. [/section]


    You say it didn't append, so you opened the ini file after activating the mod, and the new values were not in the file? Check for typos in the brackets, if one is missing it all goes pearshaped but still might activate.

    Also, did you start a new game after activating, or load an existing pre edit savegame?


    Terror Trooper #666

    Give a man a fire and he's warm for a day...
    Set a man on fire and he's warm for the rest of his life...

  • Here is the header part (linebreaks ommited)

    1. <script>
    2. <header name="BasicGeo" savesafe="true" exclusive="false">
    3. <scriptversion> 1.5 </scriptversion>
    4. <author> Blah </author>
    5. <modurl> Blah </modurl>
    6. <description> blah </description>
    7. <options default="1:2"> </options>
    8. </header>
    9. ...
    10. </script>

    Im not fully understand what the "options" tag does, only that if i remove it, mod changes its color from black to orange.

    ye well, its pretty difficult to screw things up with Notepad++, it understands XML. No more counting brackets. Ever.

  • Options tag?

    It's used to ask you questions when you activate a mod, open sp yes/no, how much starting cash, what system to start a new player in, etc...

    any "data file=" code block in the mod with the options="x,y" bit after the ini file name will only trigger if your choice for activation question x was answer y

    If you are not using that feature, you shouldn't need the [options] block in the header at all.


    Terror Trooper #666

    Give a man a fire and he's warm for a day...
    Set a man on fire and he's warm for the rest of his life...

  • Ah, that clears it, options tag was wrong. Should have read "1,2" instead of "1:2". I removed it completely, and wow, entries appear, bases appear on navmap, but, still not their commodity lists. :(

  • My suggestion for you: use FLMM 1.31, nothing ealse. 1.44 is a beta and 1.5 isn't even the same FLMM we know and love. Make sure its made by IGx89. As I noticed the scripts in ver 1.5 are absolutely different from those in 1.31 or 1.44. I use 1.44, but I recommand you to use 1.31 and not risk a beta for script features you won't use.

    You should make it simple, since its just a minor addon, but do as you wish...
    Sorry, I can't help you with 1.5...

  • *sigh* for a simple scripted mod, 1.5 works pretty good, and the new features include stuff that makes your code shorter and simpler, the main problem with 1.5 is it sometimes causes problems with very large ini copy mods originally written for 1.3 back in the stone age...

    For a small change like this 1.5 will work just fine, it's not the flmm version thats causing problems here.


    Terror Trooper #666

    Give a man a fire and he's warm for a day...
    Set a man on fire and he's warm for the rest of his life...

  • Eh i dont really want to get involved in FLMM holy wars ... Everything is fine by me. :D Script worked, but visit = 1 lists the base on the map, but doesnt get a commodity list..

  • In theory, since you're using flmm 1.5 this *should* work...

    1. <data file="data\universe\universe.ini" method="sectionmodify" numTimes=”-1”>
    2. <section>
    3. [Base]
    4. </section>
    5. <source>
    6. visit = 1
    7. </source>
    8. </data>

    The numntimes="-1" *should* tell flmm 1.5 to repeat the change for EVERY [base] section in the file, without you having to do each one separately.

    Let us know if it works ;D


    Terror Trooper #666

    Give a man a fire and he's warm for a day...
    Set a man on fire and he's warm for the rest of his life...