StarLancer Novelisation

  • -I really don´t think there´s anyway the alliance could find a way to drive the coalition nations off Earth. Earth still belonged to both sides. -Name for Italian ships : Vesuvius, Etna, Marcus Aurelius, Nero, Stromboli, Don Corleone, any Roman emperor

    Kusari Pizza Delivery: Whether it`s raining Blood Dragons, Golden Chrysanthemums, or Pirates - we deliver in under 30 minutes - or we commit seppuku....

  • Personally i think its a great idea, theres a great potential here before and after the game, u need a hand just yell, in fact if there is a need i may pen a few stories for your q´s the outer planets are all owned by the alliance, as they put all their resources inot exploration and colonisation. i think the alliance HQ is at base kenedy (on a moon dunno yet which one). what i htink i´ll do is create a StarLancer Resource database which contains as much information about the SL universe as possible so that alla authors can avaoid continuity problems etc. what do u think? Arcon - Newbie Editor ============================ If you die a hero, your still dead Thundercats..raar

  • FF: The point about Earth is very true, I never thought about that, and good names for the ships, that´ll come in handy. Arcon: GREAT idea with the SL database, that would be so much of a help it´s not even funny. And the point about the Allaince owning the outer planets is good too, but at the beginning of the game, the ACN anchor talks about the Coalition over-running Earth, Mars and Venus. Whether he means all of the planet, or just the bits owned by the Alliance (Indicating that both the Coals and the Als own little parts of each planet) is not clear. Again, more research (and my imagination <img src=smilies/icon_smile.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle>) is required here. Thanks for your responses, keep ´em coming! I´ll post a teaser when I´m done the first chapter of Part One: Before the Storm

  • okay i started work on the database and its coming along fine <img src=smilies/icon_smile.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle> Shrike, whats this about the writing page? we need more info, we dont wanna be in competition here. silencer, any thoughts about how your story is to continue. Catcha l8r Arcon - Newbie Editor ============================ If you die a hero, your still dead Thundercats..raar

  • Well, essentially we´re going to have a mega-ITAC, for use by story writers, readers and those who simply want Sl background. As such it´s going to have all the stuff from the ITAC as well as all the details we come up with.

  • Ah I get it, so thats why u were trying to extract stuff from the in game ITAC Shrike. Btw did u get far with the operation? Last I herd was that those bik files were just animations. Best of luck to all u guy and gals doing this SL database stuff.

  • wait..were both making SL database´s? if so then how are you going to incorporate BIK files, i´m just stetting it out as a ebsite atm but i´m considering making a Visual Basic Program once the key info is in place Arcon - Newbie Editor ============================ If you die a hero, your still dead Thundercats..raar

  • PHEW! Shrike, you had me s****ing bricks that you´d done this sort of thing already. Arcon and Shirke, what both of you are proposing is a great idea. (and a great relief.) The idea of having the ITAC page act like the in-game ITAC system is also an excellent idea. Are you going to program it in java, shockwave or VB? (Or just keep it in HTML.) On the topic of progress, I´m sorta winging the first book, considering I have very little raw info to go on. I do know that it´s called Before the Storm, and instead of ruining the plot, all I´ll say is this: If you´ve read William R. Forstchen´s Wing Commander novel ´Fleet Action´, you´ll have a vague idea of how the story is going to progress. If I actually sit down and do some work I´ll 1) post a VERY rough draft of the first chapter or 2) post a plot arc for Before the Storm later tonight. Edited by - Silencer on 3/18/01 4:42:02 AM

  • It´s a good thing we agreed to not call out first chapter ´before the storm´ <img src=smilies/icon_smile_wink.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle> Actually, I´m not the one writing the ITAC, although several of us are involved with collecting the information, to spread the workload around. You´d have to talk to Cobalt for details, but it should work very similar if not exactly like the in-game ITAC.

  • It´ll work like the in-game ITAC except for the animations... Those things would take forever to download and we don´t want to keep you guys waiting any longer than you have to... <img src=smilies/icon_smile_wink.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle> But it´s just some HTML (of the Dynamic variety <img src=smilies/icon_smile_big.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle>)... But it will keep the look of the ITAC thanks to some images Shrike managed to extract... We´ll be focusing on the content to make up for it, so no worries. <img src=smilies/icon_smile.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle> ------------------------------------------ &quot;I am an artist of a different sort... My canvas is the browser, and HTML is my paint...&quot; Cobalt &quot;Orion&quot; Starr Co-WebMaster <A href=´´ Target=_Blank>Hard Light Productions</a> &quot;Bringing Modders Together...&quot;

    ------------------------------------------ "I am an artist of a different sort... My canvas is the browser, and HTML is my paint..." Cobalt "Orion" Starr Co-WebMaster Hard Light Productions "Bringing Modders Toget

  • grr, where is it going to be hosted? u do realise my &quot;up all night&quot; researching was now useless if youre doing the same as i am. but good luck to u and may the best encyclopedia win Arcon - Newbie Editor ============================ If you die a hero, your still dead Thundercats..raar

  • Who says we have to compete? Let´s share! I´ve nearly got the design done... If you´ve got a bunch of research done then we can save each other a good deal of work that the other has done... It´s a win-win situation. <img src=smilies/icon_smile_big.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle> As for hosting... Probably on the HLP homepage... We haven´t really discussed it, but I think that´s where we were probably going to put it anyway... <img src=smilies/icon_smile.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle> ------------------------------------------ &quot;I am an artist of a different sort... My canvas is the browser, and HTML is my paint...&quot; Cobalt &quot;Orion&quot; Starr Co-WebMaster <A href=´´ Target=_Blank>Hard Light Productions</a> &quot;Bringing Modders Together...&quot; Edited by - CobaltStarr on 3/18/01 9:50:09 PM

    ------------------------------------------ "I am an artist of a different sort... My canvas is the browser, and HTML is my paint..." Cobalt "Orion" Starr Co-WebMaster Hard Light Productions "Bringing Modders Toget

  • ok i want your design, u want my data, and we both want reasonable hosting...and has anyone started a story set AFTER the game..cause if not i call that era of the war Arcon - Newbie Editor ============================ If you die a hero, your still dead Thundercats..raar

  • Shirke has started a thread story (or is trying to start a thread story) that I beleive is set after the war. But you could write a story set during the events of the game, just following different characters. OH! You could write a story on, say, on of the other squadrons like the Vampires, or the Pirates, or the Cobras etc. Then, we would have crossovers between thse squadrons and the 45th. It would be really cool if somebody wrote a story about the Cobras and their treachery, and then have them killed by the 45th later on in my story ------------------------------------------ Author of the StarLancer novel adaptation

  • i might actually do a cobras one, cheers, but i also have an idea which i´m keeping secret...SHHHH! as for the database, i have 80 entries so far on my encyclopedia and i´ve only included up to the 3rd mission..eeep. i dunno how deep to go tho, cause i could go 100% info and include the names of every ship in the game..or just the most important things Arcon - Newbie Editor ============================ If you die a hero, your still dead Thundercats..raar

  • its a good thing that the war lasts 100 years so we have no chance of running out of time Arcon - Newbie Editor ============================ If you die a hero, your still dead Thundercats..raar