**Tutorial** - Intro scripts

  • Envents are alot more simple than entites. They are all about motion, exept the effects ones and the &quot;Set Camera&quot;. So, we will start with the more simple one : &quot;START_SPATIAL_PROP_ANIM&quot; The one I chose let you aply a rotation to an object. I´ve taken it from waterplanet, this is the first event : { 0, START_SPATIAL_PROP_ANIM, { &quot;planet_watblucld_1500_4&quot; }, { duration=360.1, target_type=ROOT, spatialprops={ axisrot={ 360, NEG_Y_AXIS } } } }, The first number set when do you want the animation to start at. Usualy settled at zero (in seconds), you can do waterver you want with it, exept, of course, make it starts after the end of the scene, cause you won´t ever see you motion. After, there is &quot;planet_watblucld_1500_4&quot;. It is the object witch the anim will be applied on. Then is the duration (in second). If you put 10, you´ll see your planet spining very fast and stoping when 10 seconds are gone. Target type isn´t important, but what´s next is : Into the &quot;axisrot&quot; bloc, the first number is the degree of the rotation, and the &quot;NEG_Y_AXIS&quot; is the direction of the rotation. Now, lets take a look at a more complex one : { 0, START_PATH_ANIMATION, { &quot;Ships_ge_large_transport_12_copy_1&quot;, &quot;Path_1&quot; }, { duration=60, start_percent=0, stop_percent=1, offset={ 0, 0, 0 }, up=Y_AXIS, front=NEG_Z_AXIS, flags=POSITION + ORIENTATION + LOOK_AT } }, I´ve stolen it from gasminer :p ! This type of anim is, for sure, the most usefull. It says witch path is applied at witch object. Note that a path can only be applied to <b>one </b> object. Even if you want two ships to follow the same path, you´ll have do two identical path (but with diferent names). So, as bob said, the two names are : For the first, the object the path is puted on. And for the second, the path that is used. After, there is a duration again, but you know how to define it. Then, a start_percent and stop_percent. They are most of time 0 and 1, but you can put 0.5 and 0.75. This will make the ship starting at the half of the path and stoping at the 3/4 of it. The duration will still stay the same. The rest isn´t important, exept the &quot;flags&quot;. If you only put POSITION, your ship will follow the path keeping looking the same way and without rotating. For more realism, keep &quot;POSITION + ORIENTATION + LOOK_AT&quot;. That´s ok for the events. So, now, you should have the requiered knowledge to make a good intro scene. Is there is still something that you want to know, email me and i´ll try to answer your questions <img src=smilies/icon_smile.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle> ! Here is a list of what you <b>can´t </b> do : - Making ships having a trail, contrails or dinamic engine (relative to its speed). The engine effect is constant and always settled to the lower apparence. - Playing sounds. - Making the sun or other effects to always showing. Ie : when the scene is finished and restart, all effects are stoped and restart together. You can´t do anyting against that. And here is a list of what you <b>can </b> do : - Making moving camera !!! Simply aply it a motion path ! Er... you can also do alot of things <img src=smilies/icon_smile_big.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle> ! But I won´t list them all, you´re surely clever enought to find them by your self ! So, hope that helps !

  • Great work Archangel! *Stickied* <img src=smilies/icon_smile.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle> Eraser Moderator for <A href=´http://www.lancersreactor.org´ Target=_Blank>The Lancers Reactor</a> Creator of the <A href=´http://lancersreactor.spymac.net/´ Target=_Blank>TLR FTP Upload Service</a> E-Mail: eraser@lancersreactor.org MSN: get_erased@hotmail.com <img src=´http://www.lancersreactor.org/t/i/lan_butt.gif ´>

  • It´s an honour <img src=smilies/icon_smile.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle> ! Thank you so much !

  • I´ve been trying to put hardpoints on my ship but it is not working. I mean come on, what ship can´t land, attack, move, cruise, etc. I need serious help on this and I haven´t found any tutorials on adding hard points that has really worked for me so please. Help me experiened ship creator people I need advice/tutorials for ship hard points and similar ship-like goodness.

  • Hu ?! If you want to add hardpoints to a ship, this is a wrong place for asking... If not, then excuse me and re-write your message (i´m still messed with english...but you´ve certainly found this out <img src=smilies/icon_smile.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle> ).

  • i might be a bit slow when i comes to modding (or anything else hahaha) but kdding aside i didn´t follow this

    _______________ i dont suffer fools gladly , in fact i dont suffer them at all

  • Hello Archangel, you have done a great job with your tutorial! Now i have a question to you: Can i post your Tutorial on T ´n´ G (Link in signature)?? If you want I´ll add your name, too. Greetings from Paddy... _____________________________ <A href=´http://www.fl-tools.de.ms´ Target=_Blank><img src=´http://www.8ung.de/userdaten/92888091/bilder/logo.jpg ´></a>

    _____________________________ Signature? What is a Signature?

  • Question: how do I add a nebula to the intro scene? And, for that matter, an asteroid field? I am trying to make an intro scene set in Alaska. MK

  • Anything on my above question? MK *edit* Here are the relevent parts of my intro: { entity_name=&quot;nebula_Li05_nebula&quot;, type=COMPOUND, template_name=&quot;nebula_Li05_nebula&quot;, lt_grp=0, srt_grp=-100, usr_flg=1, flags=LIT_DYNAMIC, spatialprops={ pos={ 0, 0, 0 }, orient={ { -0.09350700000000001, 0, 0.995619 }, { 0, 1, 0 }, { -0.995619, 0, -0.09350700000000001 } } }, userprops={ category=&quot;Prop&quot; } } Edited by - mknote on 10/30/2004 6:55:05 PM

  • Sorry, the FL script engine doesn´t allow nebulae or asteroid fields <img src=smilies/icon_smile_sad.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle> ! To do so, you must make a <b>misson </b> with a script that control the camera in a premade system. It´s a lot harder and will take more time, but that´s the only way, until source code is released <img src=smilies/icon_smile_wink.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle> ! Best regards, Archangel.

  • Is there another link to be able to dowload the THN decompressor as the link isn´t working <img src=smilies/icon_smile_sad.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle>