That´s still one of the things that remains to be elusive about Freelancer.Since you don´t own your own base of operations it´s pretty likely that you will not own multiple ships.
Garage type thing?
hmm not sure but I dought you can do that. What you could always do is upgrade your engines to make your slow ass ship faster. I also think there are some truster things that you can add to your ship but it uses hardpoints and might only be able to be used for a few secs.
i see, well that kinda sucks, but oh well this is still gonna be the best game of all time even without the garage! and who knows, you may be wrong! hehe <img src=smilies/icon_smile.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle> <img src=´ ´> "I am Krang the all-powerful! I have never been defeated!" - Lord Krang
No garage, no multiple ships. <img src=´ ´>
Well say if your aligned with some "Generic Bad Ass´d Pirates" then say like you park your supper zummy fast bastard ship thre, then take off in your slow ass´d ship later? I mean its "possible" yes no? <img src=´ ´> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Remember kids, Disco did not die. It was dragged into the street and shot. Repeatedly. In the groin. With a high-powered rifle. At point-blank range.
I suppose yes if you could own more than one ship...
A garage would not nessacarily infer a ´base of operaitons´. You could rent out some hanger space at some base. It´s not like it would be free. Unfortunately, I doubt it will be in the game. <img src=´ ´> "Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety" --Benjamin Franklin
Krang - your sig image it to large! Please reduce significantly! Best Regards Christian "Bargib" Koerner Editor in Chief, <A href=´´ Target=_Blank>The Lancers Reactor</a>
I think it will be like Privateer 2 where you also didn´t have you own base where you could dump your aquired ships <img src=smilies/icon_smile_sad.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle> Oh well, maybe it´s for the better, because in "real" life most people also cannot afford to own more than 1 car <img src=smilies/icon_smile_big.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle> And I said <b>MOST </b> !! (before any of you hotshots begins telling me about their carpark <img src=smilies/icon_smile_wink.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle>) <img src=´$$~4AAAcAAAAECgKdXhGd4Sj4qDfHBtSKfqwMq7HzqBIlphk$ ´> " What we do in life echoes in eternity "
I don´t care about a ´garage´ but I want at least a temporary storage for parts. Hopefully there will be means to take all the goodies off your old ship before you sell it, and then put them on your new ship. In Priv2 when you sold your ship you sold all of the stuff on it, then you had to go buy it all back. That wasn´t so bad because everything cost the same no matter where you were, and there was no depreciation on your parts. From Larry´s report, in FL the prices of parts are different in different places so you might take a big hit if you had to sell all your parts and then buy them back. Also, some especially good ship parts might be very rare so you wouldn´t want to sell them. It would be nice if you had a place to store stuff, like the treasure chest on Diablo. You might get ahold of some really sweet part but not be able to use it right away. Let´s get those missiles ready to destroy the universe!!
Renting out garage space could get awfully expensive. Think about it. Youre a freelancer so the only way to pay the bills is to be out doin stuff. Your a one man team so you dont have any kind of corportate or company support. Having extra ships would just be an uneccesary burden. Your ships would probably sit for months or maybe even a year before you returned to check things out. Id worry some snake was tryin to prod his way into one of my ships, nosey sob<img src=smilies/icon_smile.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle>
When you take off from somewhere, you probably take all your stuff with you. All your stuff that´s not mounted on the ship will probably be in your hold. In that Tachyon game you could own more than one ship at a time. It never made sense to me that you could fly to another base and all of your ships went with you, who was flying them? If you left a ship or ships behind you´d have to fly all the way back if you decided you needed them. Let´s get those missiles ready to destroy the universe!!
It never made sense to me either but when I was in the twilight I figured it out.It was done through the use of freighters cause only freighters from Bora would show up in that region whether light or heavy.The main reason I think this won´t be possible in Freelancer is due to the fact how factions respond.In the game can you imagine flying an enemy fighter in allied territory.It wouldn´t be a pretty sight,that´s for sure. Edited by - Rheinland Destroyer on 04-09-2002 19:09:29
In the beginning of the game, when you´re flying a ´Yugo´ it sounds as if you had better stay out of certain places. Later in the game when you´ve moved up to the ´Cadillac´ it may be possible to fly into dangerous places, blow everyone away who gives you a hard time, pick up the loot and go sell it. At first you might have to be a ´jackal´ but later you could be a ´lion´. Let´s get those missiles ready to destroy the universe!!
Sorry Bargib, is this a better sized sig? <img src=smilies/icon_smile_sad.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle> hmm damn.. didnt work.. how exactly would i resize a picture from the web? ill try to figure it out <img src=´…26ie%3DUTF-8%26oe%3DUTF-8 ´> "I am Krang the all-powerful! I have never been defeated!" - Lord Krang Edited by - krang on 04-09-2002 23:19:43
is this better? "I am Krang the all-powerful! I have never been defeated!" - Lord Krang DAMMIT IT WONT WORK AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHGHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! how do i do it? lol. Edited by - krang on 04-09-2002 23:34:58 Edited by - Bargib on 05-09-2002 14:44:48
Hey Krang, Look <A href=´´ Target=_Blank>here</a> You must be trilled <img src=smilies/icon_smile_tongue.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle> <img src=smilies/icon_smile_wink.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle> <img src=´$$~4AAAcAAAAECgKdXhGd4Sj4qDfHBtSKfqwMq7HzqBIlphk$ ´> " What we do in life echoes in eternity " Edited by - Eraser on 10-09-2002 09:15:18
Heh,what is so thrilling about Fortune City ?<img src=smilies/icon_smile_wink.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle> My guess is that at the max. you´ll probably own up to 3 & one freighter if you stick with one faction.If however you have a change of heart on what faction you´d like to be a part of you´ll have to start from scratch but that should be no prob. since the funds that you gained from your previous employers should help you out.This would also mean no waiting to get to the next level of fighter or upgrade without a problem.
I do think that you´ll be able to own/steal more than one ship at once because say your in a freighter or a tug like vessel and disable ANOTHER smaller freighter it makes sense that you could be able to tractor it and keep it in storage or even...... Slave circuits anyone? <img src=smilies/icon_smile_big.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle>
I´ll be really suprised if you can have more than one ship at a time. Using a tractor beam to capture a whole ship seems plausable but I doubt that will be implemented in the game. These details will come out eventually as more and more people get a chance to play the game. Let´s get those missiles ready to destroy the universe!!