Nice looking stuff, though I'm not really a fan of the ship design. (And I'm too young to be feeling the nostalgia for them. :P)

Model Showcase
- Lordadmiral Drake
- Thread is marked as Resolved.
Hull and wing meshes optimised, creases ironed out, milkshape glitchy bits removed, saved enough polys that even with a glazed cockpit, poly count should be similar to the original...
Still gotta tweak the uv's to fit the borderworld textures (must remember to pull those, gah)
Roughed out a cockpit, rough uv's, take a look before I start finalising and exporting to cmp, hardpointing the basics, engines mount etc to get it flyable...
A little something very similar to yours. This model was originally created by the APS group and is one of three they did like this. I had to rip them all to pieces and rebuild them due to hidden extra parts being included in the model which i deleted, they served no useful purpose. Has the usual features, transparent cockpit + internal details like screens + dials. The only issue with ships shaped like this is everyone is going to say it looks like something out of Star Wars, curse George Lucas lol
Isn't it Jason Calif's model? It looks like his style...
Similar in style but no. Like i mentioned in the first line i wrote, made by the guys from APS. They also did ships called the Hornet, Starviper, Cougar and a few others.
Yeah the 'star wars' lookalike thing, that why I didn't go for the flying wedge look on the destroyer...
As for APS, that's why my stuff is 'Ageira Detroit Shipyards' not 'Ageira Pueblo Shipyards', I've got those APS ships, know what you mean about the hidden bits that serve no purpose, and the surs... eewww..."Scanning your cargo for contraband... All right, cut your engines and hand over all your Chocolate in small unmarked bars or we WILL resume firing..."
Made my own surs with the OBJ converter, totally form fitting
Nice stuff *thumbsup*
@Aesthetic: Looking awesome, compared to what I've accomplished so far. I like the liberty style on it. Dont bother with borderworld.
Ok, well, I exported the cmp, hardpointing it now to get it flyable, mad a mat file, similar textures but blueish raher than plain grey, can change those easily enough if you like the liberty look, make a second mat, lol. Made a sur, not tried it in game yet but looks ok in hardcmp...
Ok, Heavy fighter, upper end of the range, 3 shields "Ageira Detroit patented Tri-Interlink Shield System", not that much armour, fast... top speed 100, 1 thruster, with the additional engine exhausts spaced out on the wings, lot of manouvering torque, agile, 6 guns in pairs on the wings, 3 mounts on the hull, slightly heavier class, multipurpose, gun/turret/cd/torp, say 1 or 2 classes higher than the gun mounts on the wings, class 7-9 maybe. bugger all cargo capacity.
Fast agile HF Interceptor, optimized for rapid closing, agile dogfighting and plenty of upfront punch, medium armour, excelent shields, 3 custom mine launchers using standard low yield homing mine ammo, angled to give a wide triangular spread, close in from 3 sides on any fool who knocks on the back door, cm launcher also fitted...
I'll see about using the 'engine trail as FX' trick to add smaller engine fires to the wing exhausts.
Here's a screen grab from hardcmp...
Sound ok? I'll post a screenie when it's flying and taking hits... lol
OK, hopefully it's finished, sent off to Lord Admiral Drake.
Been testing it, seems to work ok, takes hits ok, handles ok, shoots ok... Fingers crossed he likes it.
Hell yeah, that looks super =)
IMO the texture could use some different UVM coordinates. It looks like the model is shrink-wrapped with it.
Or at least more then a single tile. -
just 3 words: I like it
Looking for a decent space truck model to complement the Pachyderms i've done, came across this. The model is kitbashed with a BSG colonial mover that's had bits cut off it and sized to the truck model
Interesting merge. Do you know who did it?
Well i did the kitbash. The truck model is by 3DRT and the Colonial Mover is done by Coxxon. I've cut bits off of it and resized it all to go with the truck model
Another version of the same theme. Same truck model, different containers this time for variety. 3 model kitbash lol
Double capacity version
Looks good, but seems like I won't be using this since I base all my transports on mountable cargo pods.
One of mancer's meshes, the 2nd version of the Moldy Crow, the one with the detailed 4 man cockpit interior...
clone it, rehardpoint... Cargo Crow, light transport, single vanilla cargo pod slung underneath, makes an ideal ship for factions like the IMG, a single pod transport small and agile enough to negotiate dense asteroid fields, berth dock with small mining stations and depots. Better than having it as a 4 man crew fighter, or a freighter that's too skinny to carry any cargo, and the pod slung under that oversized engine pack is very 'space shuttle' like. I fitted the hpcargo hardpoint on mine with a flashing orange strobe worklight, looks nice.