****NEWBIE QUESTIONS?? - look no further2!!****

  • <b><A href=´http://www.lancersreactor.org/t/forum/topic.asp?whichpage=15&amp;pagesize=20&amp;forum_title=Freelancer+General+Editing+Forum&amp;topic_title=%2A%2A%2A+Newbie+Questions%3F++Look+no+further%21+%2A%2A%2A&amp;forum_id=18&amp;topic_id=19693´ Target=_Blank>Page 15 </a> </b> <i>Pilotable gunship again -fully working though </i> <b> <A href=´http://www.lancersreactor.org/t/forum/topic.asp?whichpage=17&amp;pagesize=20&amp;forum_title=Freelancer+General+Editing+Forum&amp;topic_title=%2A%2A%2A+Newbie+Questions%3F++Look+no+further%21+%2A%2A%2A&amp;forum_id=18&amp;topic_id=19693´ Target=_Blank>Page 17</a> </b> <i>Adding your custom Dll entry to the game (in Freelancer.ini) Erm - UNlocking locked gates (alaska don´t work though?) </i> <b><A href=´http://www.lancersreactor.org/t/forum/topic.asp?whichpage=19&amp;pagesize=20&amp;forum_title=Freelancer+General+Editing+Forum&amp;topic_title=%2A%2A%2A+Newbie+Questions%3F++Look+no+further%21+%2A%2A%2A&amp;forum_id=18&amp;topic_id=19693´ Target=_Blank>Page 19</a> </b> <i>Very indepth setting things to sell at custom bases Making new shields, scanners and custom equipment (very detailed again) </i> <b><A href=´http://www.lancersreactor.org/t/forum/topic.asp?whichpage=21&amp;pagesize=20&amp;forum_title=Freelancer+General+Editing+Forum&amp;topic_title=%2A%2A%2A+Newbie+Questions%3F++Look+no+further%21+%2A%2A%2A&amp;forum_id=18&amp;topic_id=19693´ Target=_Blank>Page 21</a> </b> <i>Making planets dockable and converting undockable planets into bases - including populating the base!!! (detailed) Adding new sounds and music to the game including weapons effects sounds </i> <b><A href=´http://www.lancersreactor.org/t/forum/topic.asp?whichpage=22&amp;pagesize=20&amp;forum_title=Freelancer+General+Editing+Forum&amp;topic_title=%2A%2A%2A+Newbie+Questions%3F++Look+no+further%21+%2A%2A%2A&amp;forum_id=18&amp;topic_id=19693´ Target=_Blank>Page 22</a> </b> <i>Explanation of shiparch.ini - increasing weapons mounts etc etc Changing level requirements for shields and weapons (very detailed for newbs!) </i> <b><A href=´http://www.lancersreactor.org/t/forum/topic.asp?whichpage=23&amp;pagesize=20&amp;forum_title=Freelancer+General+Editing+Forum&amp;topic_title=%2A%2A%2A+Newbie+Questions%3F++Look+no+further%21+%2A%2A%2A&amp;forum_id=18&amp;topic_id=19693´ Target=_Blank>Page 23</a> </b> <i>Setting gammu and robot planet to sell equipment, and give out rumours Fixing Mbases.ini errors Changing max ammo capacity </i> And that is all so far for that thread. If anyone posts there stil - will carry on trying to answer, or post here as well! - here is a link to my other thread about debugging - rooting out the crashes! <b><A href=´http://www.lancersreactor.org/t/forum/topic.asp?topic_id=24781&amp;forum_id=29&amp;Topic_Title=%2A%2A%2ADEBUGGING%2A%2A%2A+Find+answers+to+crashes%21&amp;forum_title=Freelancer+Editing+Tutorial+Forum&amp;cat_title=Freelancer+Editing&amp;M=False´ Target=_Blank>Crashes - possible causes and solutions</a> </b> - so have a peek if you have crashes occuring. Anyways. <i>Post questions below </i>. Any moderators - would be nice if this was stickied though......... <b>============================================================== </b> <b>TOPICS COVERED IN THIS PAGE: </b> <b>-------------------------------------- </b> <i>Making NPC shields regen Making NPC´s use sheild batteries and nano bots Making Custom Jumpgate effects Making NPC´s drop different things/changing frequency of drops/custom drops Making NPC´s carry Pirate Pilots as a commodity, that you then set to drop during combat, which you can then sell for a fortune at Bounty hunter bases, less at prisons etc, and have the bounty hunters scan you for them so that they will collect the bounty <b>(For Role Play Servers This Would Be Great!) </b> Making commodities illegal (inlcuded in the above instructions) Changing level requirements, making new levels to level up too.... A docking fix for capital ships/transports for stations/ docking fixtures.. etc etc A fast startup......(no intro movies) </i> Hope people like some of these here, enjoy! Chips <b>Change in ACCREDITATION </b>: To use anything that is thought of, or described by me as an original, you MUST not claim it as your own or aks others to credit YOUR mod for using it too,..........but not credit me either. Just make a note that it is thanks to Lancers reactor for that idea/way of doing something. Thats it. Don´t bother asking for permission, you alreadyhave it Edited by - chips on 10-10-2003 20:22:24

  • this is the stupidest question ever for me to ask being how long i played FL for but what is and npc???? my mood: oy!: I´m happy iiieeee!: I´m psycho dude: I´m not in a very good mood AHHHH!: I´m mad


  • aim looking at server side stuff that works n changes things like npc or ai what every u want to call them is to make them more aggressive n more at ones ,shield n hull repair them selfs, loot droped ,weapon dmg increased n better shots or anything you no of that can be changed server side only you can email me at ksgrinde.telus.net thanks n have a nice day

  • WolfDemon: what is and npc???? Translator working.... Translation success - Q: What is an NPC? A: NPC - Non Player Character - Most games have only one player - everyone else is an NPC. <font size=1 face="trebuchet ms"><BLOCKQUOTE><hr size=1 noshade> term0shad: aim looking at server side stuff that works n changes things like npc or ai what every u want to call them is to make them more aggressive n more at ones ,shield n hull repair them selfs, loot droped ,weapon dmg increased n better shots or anything you no of that can be changed server side only you can email me at ksgrinde.telus.net thanks n have a nice day <hr size=1 noshade></BLOCKQUOTE></font><font face=´trebuchet ms, Verdana, Arial, Helvetica´ size=2> Translator working.... Translation - partial success - Q: Where can I find server side mods that change: npc ai aggression, Shield/ship stats, Loot, Weapons. Look at that - there is a list of them stickied to the top of the forum in which you posted. Waves magic wand... <A href=´http://www.lancersreactor.org/t/forum/topic.asp?topic_id=9683&amp;forum_id=18&amp;Topic_Title=%2A%2A%2A+A+list+of+server+side+only+mods+%2A%2A%2A&amp;forum_title=Freelancer+General+Editing+Forum&amp;cat_title=Freelancer+Editing&amp;M=True´ Target=_Blank>Click here</a> Phez Edited by - Phezzan on 01-10-2003 01:09:35 Edited by - Phezzan on 01-10-2003 01:10:51

  • <b> term0shad </b> - what do you have in mind exactly? Also - do you have any modding experience? I can post a nice tutorial here for you if you are up for modding the files yourself - cause am sure others would like to know at a later date too! Here is somethings that can be done though: <i>NPC´s shields regen NPC´s use nano bots and shield bats NPC´s can shoot more accurately, and more often </i> (harder for players) <i>NPC´s can have heaiver weaponry </i> Overkill with the above though <i>Zone levels increased = more NPC populations </i>.....my fav here - rape by 24 nomads in the unknowns o_0 <i>Encounters with capital ships Wrecks loots changed Opening of some jumpgates/jumpholes </i> - Not alaska for some reason - but NY-&gt; Magellan, Sig13 -&gt;Chukogu or whatever, Sig13-&gt; Berlin , NY -&gt; NY etc etc There are probs more - but i can´t think off hand Let me know if you are interested. However, if you just want someone to do it for you, am sure someone will step up for the challenge (am busy, would do it, but for one person, its alot of time!!.........specially seeing as servers usually close within two weeks of opening! (no offense!)

  • Hmm - just thought - aint covered them yet! Here is a start before i go to bed then!! <img src=smilies/icon_smile_big.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle> <b>Making NPC Shields regen </b> <i>This is a great little mod, adds spice to the game </i> Okay - from now on i assume people know what tools to use, and how to save etc! <i>if not read some of the posts linked above -especially the beginning ones! </i>This also assumes you have some knowledge of what the parts mean! If not, suggest you read some older things as well!! lol <b>Difficulty = Easy </b> Okay - open your ST_equip.ini file in the equipment folder Here will be entries for the thrustes <i>(first 4 or so entries) </i> Closely followed by the NPC shields <i>(player shields are below the NPC shields) </i> We are concerned with the NPC shields obviuosly though! Here is an exert of the start of an entry: <b><i>Example: </b> [ShieldGenerator nickname = npc_shield01_mark01 ids_name = 263759 ids_info = 264759 </i> This is just the first few lines, specifying the name of the shield and so on. The bit that makes it regen? Well - its nice and simple: Look further down and you find the following (in the main body of text for EACH of the shield entries) <b><i>Example </b> volume = 0.000000 mass = 10 regeneration_rate = 1 max_capacity = 600 toughness = 6.000000 </i> Now - the obvious part we are interested in is right there infront of us! A clue - its the rate at which it regens........lol So - what to do? Well - personally i change the regen rates to match the ones further down the ini file (player shields), but to make things easy, here is a little guide for you instead. Just put these numbers in! <b> Class.......~......Regen Rate </b> 1...........~...........15 2...........~...........20 3...........~...........25 4...........~...........34 5...........~...........46 6...........~...........66 7...........~...........85 8...........~...........110 9...........~...........160 10...........~...........220 Now obviously you can change that to whatever you wish, but those are some realistic values there. Don´t miss it though - there are three different types of shields for the NPC´s! - Shield01, Shield02, Sheild03 - so that is 30 rates to amend. There we go - regenning shields for the NPC´s! Okay - now for nano bots/ shield bats usage! <b>Making NPC´s Use shield and nano regens! </b> This one is bigger, and more difficult! Make sure you back these files up first! <b>Difficulty = Moderate </b> - i only say moderate cause if you go off and cockup the <i>loadouts.ini </i>, and <i>loadouts_utility.ini </i> files you will crash! Okay - first up, you need to open up the <i>Pilots_population.ini </i> file in the missions folder. Now then, scroll down through the folder: You will eventually come to something that looks like this (there are several) <b><i>Example: </b> [RepairBlock nickname = repair_fighter_never use_shield_repair_pre_delay = 0 use_shield_repair_post_delay = 0 use_shield_repair_at_damage_percent = 0 use_hull_repair_pre_delay = 0 use_hull_repair_post_delay = 0 use_hull_repair_at_damage_percent = 0 </i> Okay - the title of the parts says it all - what they are. The repair block. Firstly - what you need to do is: Find this part instead of that one!!!: <b><i>Example: </b> [RepairBlock nickname = repair_fighter_both use_shield_repair_pre_delay = 0.200000 use_shield_repair_post_delay = 5 use_shield_repair_at_damage_percent = 0.500000 use_hull_repair_pre_delay = 0.200000 use_hull_repair_post_delay = 1.500000 use_hull_repair_at_damage_percent = 0.500000 </i> You notice that it already has some values there - smashing....less work for us! Now remember the nickname there then! Okay - now scroll down further through the document <i>(to near the bottom really!) </i> You will find parts like this: <b><i>Example: </b> [Pilot nickname = test gun_id = gun_fighter_test </i> Okay - there are quite alot of these. These entries tell what the pilot will do in attack, defense, how they shoot etc..... Okay - here is one section you can have a look at really quick: <b><i>Example: </b> [Pilot nickname = pilot_military_easy gun_id = gun_military_easy_style_a </i> This is the easy pilot part, and near the bottom of the entry you see the line: <b><i>Example: </b> formation_id = formation_stay repair_id = repair_fighter_never job_id = basic_job_formation </i> These are the bottom three lines for the entry - easy to see! Notice the <i>repair_id </i>? If you look back - repair_id = never had no repair settings for it, they were all 0........so guess what.......yep - put in the nickname there for the ´both´ part - then it will read this: <b><i>Example: </b> formation_id = formation_stay nickname = <b>repair_fighter_both </b> ;notice this here? job_id = basic_job_formation </i> Good stuff - but that is alot of entries to do this for isn´t it? - look at the next one down, which is this: <b><i>Example: </b> [Pilot nickname = pilot_military_med <b>inherit = pilot_military_easy </b> gun_id = gun_military_med_style_a evade_dodge_id = evade_dodge_fighter_horiz_med </i> Notice the line inherit that i made bold? It means just what it says, inherit all the parts from pilot_military_easy, but add these parts i have too........ So that means the pilot_military_med now also mends hulls and shields with regens!!........as does the hard and ace! Oh - easy stuff! <i>4 for the price of 1 </i> Okay - bad news - go through and do it for all of them! Including the transports. Basically - on every spot you see the <i>repair_id = repair_fighter_never </i> change it to your <i>nickname = <b>repair_fighter_both </b> </i> instead okay? We done? Not yet! Nearly - they now know to <i>use </i> the regens, but they don´t acutally <i>possess </i> any in the game..........yet! Next - its the <i>loadouts.ini </i> and <i>loadouts_special.ini </i> in the ships folder! Okay - open the file up - this tells the comp what each NPC is carrying. The <i>Loadouts.ini </i> is the fighters loads, the <i>special </i> is the capship ones, and the <i>utility </i> one is for the transports. Inside there are many entries - we will STAY away from ones like these: <i><b>Example: </b> [Loadout nickname = MSN04_Trents_Friend_Escort </i> The reason - they are <i>mission </i> loadouts - we don´t want SP becoming too difficult for you......lol Basically you want to add nanobots and shiel gens to each fighter ship in there! and there are <i>alot </i> Here is a quick demo of what to add: <b><i>Example: </b> [Loadout nickname = fc_gc_ge_fighter_loadout01 archetype = ge_fighter equip = ge_gf1_engine_01 equip = npc_shield01_mark02, HpShield01 </i> This is a gains entry for their fighter....there is more below this, i cut the size off. The <b>bottom </b> of this entry looks like this below:<i> equip = contrail01, HpContrail01 equip = contrail01, HpContrail02 equip = DockingLightRedSmall, HpDockLight01 equip = DockingLightRedSmall, HpDockLight02 </i> To add some nanobots and shield gens to this fellow we add these lines: <i>cargo = ge_s_battery_01, 3 cargo = ge_s_repair_01, 3 </i> That is three of each to the fighter - sot he bottom now looks like this: <b><i>Example: </b> equip = contrail01, HpContrail01 equip = contrail01, HpContrail02 equip = DockingLightRedSmall, HpDockLight01 equip = DockingLightRedSmall, HpDockLight02 cargo = ge_s_battery_01, 3 cargo = ge_s_repair_01, 3 </i> Easy stuff eh? You can add more nanos, but they really live forever if you do! Now here is the dull bit - copy and paste that to every entry so theyall have some, then go to the loadouts_special.ini file and do the same there as well!! Once done though, you NPC´s shields will regen <i>AND </i> they can also use nano bots and bats! Any questions/comments - leave below Hope this is helpful/useful to someone! Chips &quot;I don´t suffer from Insanity...., I LOVE every minute of it....&quot; Edited by - chips on 01-10-2003 20:30:27

  • Dealing with rumors and news items. I must have a bug. But nowhere, and I mean nowhere do I get any rumors or news items. Nada. This happened after I had crashed and needed to reboot the game. I had copied my old game files before I attempted modding. When I jacked up the mbase.ini the first time. I simply rebooted the game and copied the old game files back in. Now when I activate the saved games, everything works fine but the news and rumors. Even when I run the missions from #13, nothing. Any clue on where the bug might be and I can fix it?

    It Started With Ceasar III and I`ve been citybuilding ever since...

  • <b>@Ricardus: </b> Let me get this straight: You made some custom rumours, but then put your old mbases.ini files back into the game again to try to get round the problem of fixing the Mbases errors. Now, did you create new rumours, or just modify old ones (obviously new ones would no longer be there...........you deleted the references). I must admit though that this is the second time i have heard this about rumours. Perhaps no rumours are given out at the end of the game!? Try online and see whatcha pick up at a base(rumour wise), but choose your server carefully............

  • Online rumors I have. MP is no problem. But In SP, after I reached level 38, they were all gone. I thought it dealt with my reinstalling the game, and reworking things. But I have no problems with anything else. All the work I have done by your directions have worked fine. This is a different bug. I actually &quot;see&quot; no obviuos error. News as well. I think my level itself deactivates them to where they are no longer needed, I guess. If so, is there a way to &quot;bump&quot; the level? Or is this like new modding territory?

    It Started With Ceasar III and I`ve been citybuilding ever since...

  • This is great, Chips! Documentation of 470 posts, very impressive <img src=smilies/icon_smile.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle> It´s about time another of these threads were started. The other one is too large. suggestion: People with questions would be welcome to post here from now on, and when Accushot gets back, he´d be more than welcome to answer them on this thread too. It´s getting too hard to navigate through the original. --- <i>&quot;Notice ye a strange man of odd temperment racing through here?&quot; </i> The Taming of the Psycho Sir Spectrespeare <img src=´http://www.sighost.us/members/neoimagine/genesis.jpg ´>

  • You mean increase level: Well i haven´t tried it yet, but it looks bloody simple and straight forward.........lol <b>To Increase the levels: </b><i>I haven´t tried this, so feedback would be nice! </i> Go to your missions folder, and open up the <i>ptough.ini </i> file - you will see something like below: <b><i>Example: </b>ptough.ini entries [PlayerToughnessScale ptough_graph_pt = 0, 0 ptough_graph_pt = 11000, 1 ptough_graph_pt = 13750, 2 ptough_graph_pt = 17228, 3 ptough_graph_pt = 20845, 4 ptough_graph_pt = 25396, 5 ptough_graph_pt = 30475, 6 ptough_graph_pt = 36576, 7 ptough_graph_pt = 43891, 8 ptough_graph_pt = 52183, 9 ptough_graph_pt = 58967, 10 ptough_graph_pt = 66632, 11 ptough_graph_pt = 74156, 12 ptough_graph_pt = 88245, 13 ptough_graph_pt = 105206, 14 ptough_graph_pt = 114780, 15 ptough_graph_pt = 125225, 16 ptough_graph_pt = 136620, 17 ptough_graph_pt = 149154, 18 ptough_graph_pt = 177493, 19 ptough_graph_pt = 211397, 20 ptough_graph_pt = 245220, 21 ptough_graph_pt = 285906, 22 ptough_graph_pt = 328791, 23 ptough_graph_pt = 378331, 24 ptough_graph_pt = 433189, 25 ptough_graph_pt = 495823, 26 ptough_graph_pt = 565734, 27 ptough_graph_pt = 646965, 28 ptough_graph_pt = 738187, 29 ptough_graph_pt = 842492, 30 ptough_graph_pt = 961283, 31 ptough_graph_pt = 1096101, 32 ptough_graph_pt = 1250652, 33 ptough_graph_pt = 1425449, 34 ptough_graph_pt = 1626438, 35 ptough_graph_pt = 1853394, 36 ptough_graph_pt = 2112870, 37 ptough_graph_pt = 2409599, 38 </i> Okay - as i said it <i>looks </i> straight forward enough - so, what to do? Well - its time to increase some of those values, and if you like, add some more <i>(I just tested it and went to level 40 - so its fine) </i> Okay - so here, try increasing the values a little: <b><i>Example: </b> [PlayerToughnessScale <b>&lt;interim part removed for size here&gt; </b> ptough_graph_pt = 241397, 20 ptough_graph_pt = 305220, 21 ptough_graph_pt = 385906, 22 ptough_graph_pt = 508791, 23 ptough_graph_pt = 758331, 24 ptough_graph_pt = 1003189, 25 ptough_graph_pt = 1495823, 26 ptough_graph_pt = 1965734, 27 ptough_graph_pt = 2716965, 28 ptough_graph_pt = 3918187, 29 ptough_graph_pt = 5112492, 30 ptough_graph_pt = 6611283, 31 ptough_graph_pt = 7996101, 32 ptough_graph_pt = 9550652, 33 ptough_graph_pt = 11425449, 34 ptough_graph_pt = 13626438, 35 ptough_graph_pt = 18153394, 36 ptough_graph_pt = 21112870, 37 ptough_graph_pt = 26709599, 38 </i> And there we have it - you need 26mil to get to level 38. You can also <i>(don´t think this would fix the prob for you though, but it adds extra) </i> add new entries - like so <i>(to the original ptough.ini though!) </i> <b><i>Example: </b>Adding extra levels to the normal ptough.ini file instead [PlayerToughnessScale <b>&lt;interim part removed for size here&gt; </b> ptough_graph_pt = 1626438, 35 ptough_graph_pt = 1853394, 36 ptough_graph_pt = 2112870, 37 ptough_graph_pt = 2409599, 38 &lt;add this to the bottom instead&gt; ptough_graph_pt = 2800000, 39 ptough_graph_pt = 3700000, 40 ptough_graph_pt = 4800000, 41 ptough_graph_pt = 5900000, 42 ptough_graph_pt = 7150000, 43 </i> I take it you get the idea at this point, so then the bottom of your ini file would look like this <b><i>Example: </b>Ptough.ini file appearance: [PlayerToughnessScale ptough_graph_pt = 0, 0 ptough_graph_pt = 11000, 1 ptough_graph_pt = 13750, 2 ptough_graph_pt = 17228, 3 <b>&lt; 4 -&gt; 33 cut out to save on space &gt; </b> ptough_graph_pt = 1425449, 34 ptough_graph_pt = 1626438, 35 ptough_graph_pt = 1853394, 36 ptough_graph_pt = 2112870, 37 ptough_graph_pt = 2409599, 38 ptough_graph_pt = 2800000, 39 ptough_graph_pt = 3700000, 40 ptough_graph_pt = 4800000, 41 ptough_graph_pt = 5900000, 42 ptough_graph_pt = 7150000, 43 </i> Bingo - you got yourself some new levels to attain here! Increase to whatever you like, but think max money you can hold is 999,999,999 fixed anyways! There we go folks, increased levels for your SP pleasure Hope people like this! Chips

  • So i saw an effect that changed the jumpgate colours somewhere. I thought that it was nice, so guess what? I thought i would let everyone enjoy some new effects! Adds a bit of spice to your tunnels in your mods! A nice surprise! So here it is! <b>Custom Jumpgate Effects and Colours </b> <i>Jumping systems with style! </i> First off - you guessed it, biniQ. Now what to do! Go to the following directory and open the file: <i>dataFXjumpeffects.ini </i> and also <i>dataFXgate_tunnel.ini </i> Okay, so open firstly the gate_tunnel. We will create a new tunnel effect for you. In there you will see various nicknamed effects already, including this familiar one: <i> [gate_tunnel nickname = gate_tunnel_bretonia </i> Oh - spangly eh?! Okay - so first off, copy the following sections from gate_tunnel_bretonia (including the stuff below the sections!) <i> [gate_tunnel nickname = gate_tunnel_bretonia [layer texture = jumptube [layer texture = jumptube5 </i> What are the layers for? Who cares, it works so just do it! Now then, paste these to the bottom of your file, and rename the nickname for the <i>[Gate_tunnel </i>part to <i> nickname = nickname = gate_tunnel_elite1 </i> Okay - Elite1 is cause i have made my own, and i am in the Elite (organisation!) Now, things to do here: Well - erm - fiddle of course - its up to you to find your personal effects....as reference to help though, RGB <i>(red, green, blue) </i> Values, by the way :-255,255,255 is white, 0,0,0 is black, 255,0,0 is red, 0,255,0 is green, and 0,0,255 is blue. <i>(I have a degree in colour chemistry and polymer physics......lol) </i> Okay - what i change here:<i>in the main section (gate tunnel part) [imin_rgb = 0, 50, 30 max_rgb = 90, 220, 120 </i> These are obviuosly the max values for red, green, blue and the min values the effect will go to. This one i am trying to make greenish, so seeing as tunnels ´flash´ or fade colour brightness/hue to different shades, i vary this Next - in these parts <i>[layer texture = jumptube </i> And <i>[layer texture = jumptube5 </i> I change the same thing: <i>color = 100, 200, 155 </i> Why? Well this will determine your actual tunnel colour for you instead. This one is a kinda funky greenish blue, but vivid ones are like:<i>color = 255, 130, 135 </i> which gives a real nice pinky red effect. Okay - Save that off, Open up the <i>jumpeffect.ini </i> file instead. Here is what one looks like <b><i>Example: </b>There are many in here, default is bretonian though! [JumpGateEffect nickname = jump_effect_bretonia glow_ring_effect = jumpgate_tunnel, jumpgate_rings, jumpgate_rings, jumpgate_end_rings, jumpgate_end glow_ring_hp = HpFX2, HpFX3, HpFX4, HpFX5, HpFX5 glow_create_time = 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 jump_out_time = 1.500000 jump_out_tunnel_time = 7 jump_in_tunnel_time = 3 jump_in_time = 1 kill_time_before_done = 0.600000 jump_tunnel_effect = jump_tunnel_interior_player jump_tunnel = gate_tunnel_bretonia jump_ambient = 25, 25, 50 jump_background_color = 255, 255, 255 </i> So what does what? - Well first, copy and paste to the bottom of the file, and give it your own nickname (mine is <i>nickname = jump_effect_elite </i>) Now then - you have your own entry - notice the <i>jump_tunnel </i> line? - tjat is where the nickname of your custom <i>gate_effect </i> would go Anyway, back to the task - what does what? Well - <b>things to keep constant </b> - ie you <i>don´t change them! </i> These lines keep normal:<i> glow_ring_effect = jumpgate_tunnel, jumpgate_rings, jumpgate_rings, jumpgate_end_rings, jumpgate_end glow_ring_hp = HpFX2, HpFX3, HpFX4, HpFX5, HpFX5 glow_create_time = 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 jump_tunnel_effect = jump_tunnel_interior_player kill_time_before_done = 0.600000 </i> By the way, the <i>glow_create_time </i> is to do with the increasing glow effects you see when activating the jumpgate. Its at 1,3,5 seconds etc etc. you can fiddle if you wish - but aint much point........ Okay - next! These lines here are interesting, do you get bored with jumptunnels? want em over quicker?<i> jump_out_time = 1.500000 jump_out_tunnel_time = 7 jump_in_tunnel_time = 3 jump_in_time = 1 </i> If you do, then change the values here. If you change the <i>jump_in_tunnel_time </i> and the <i>Jump_out_tunnel_time </i> to zero - then you will have a near <i>´instantaneous´ </i> jump tunnel - epecially with <i>jump_in/out_time </i> changing. In effect, you dock, lurch, then appear at the other side - cutting travel to seconds rather than 15 seconds. Good for races across systems and fast dockers loosing persueing people!! you gain seconds each time you jump! LOL Okay - onwards Next: <b><i>Example: </b>The other parts, jump_tunnel = gate_tunnel_bretonia jump_ambient = 25, 25, 50 jump_background_color = 255, 255, 255 Okay - one part already covered! [ijump_tunnel </i> is sorted, but what about the <i>jump_ambient </i> - well that is the ambient colour of your jump - so this is slightly blueish, tinged with green and red - or the normal one. Try setting it to other values. The <i>jump_background_colour </i> is whether its white fill in the hole at the back or not. Set this to 0, 0, 0 for a totally diff appearance on jumpeffects - looks much better i think!!! Save it off, and then change your jumpgate effects in the systems files! Open up your relevant system file <i>(i will use Li01 for example here) </i> <b><i>Example: </b>Jumpgate from NY, [Object nickname = Li01_to_Li02 ids_name = 260911 pos = -83176, 0, 44831 rotate = 0, -70, 0 Archetype = jumpgate msg_id_prefix = gcs_refer_system_Li02 ids_info = 66145 jump_effect = jump_effect_elite3 reputation = li_p_grp behavior = NOTHING difficulty_level = 1 goto = Li02, Li02_to_Li01, gate_tunnel_elite3 loadout = jumpgate_li_01 pilot = pilot_solar_easiest </i> So which part to change? You can already see mine here: <i>goto = Li02, Li02_to_Li01, gate_tunnel_elite3 </i> thats right, instead of saying bretonia, it has my custom effect in it (there are 5 for my mod....lol - and two jumpholes as well) Put in your nickname for your jumptunnel here and enjoy some nicer, more interesting effects! Chips p.s - I don´t think this has been covered before..........so there we are!

  • Oh - also, another little nice one. Forgot that this hadn´t been covered very well in the previous post! So - <b>Setting NPC factions to drop new/different things </b> <i>Custom commodities and guns can be dropped easy! </i> Okay - the file of choice this time is: <i>data
    mlootinfo.ini </i> This file contains what different things are dropped by whom! So - here goes: <b><i>Example: </b> Everyone drops this, its the sheild batteries! [RMBonusLoot archetype = ge_s_battery_01 num_to_drop = 3, 8 faction = all difficulty_range = 0, 100 weight = 3 </i> So what does it all mean? Well - the title, like <i>[Ship </i> in the shiparch means ships entry, the <i>[RMBonusLoot </i> means loot dropped The <i>archetype </i>refers to the exact nickname of the thing to be dropped <i>Num to drop </i> is well, how many are left behind, if it =1 , then just one is dropped, if its 3,8 i think it means between 3 and 8 or something like that anyways! <i>faction = </i> the factions names are put behind here, but if its all factions, then just put in all! , so for <i>Corsairs, Outcasts and Lib Rogues </i> it would look like this: <b>Example: </b> <i>faction = fc_c_grp, fc_ou_grp, fc_li_grp </i> ..... and so on etc etc! <i>Difficulty range </i> - well this is the level of the NPC´s, but it is NOT related to the usual levels. This ranges up to 100, from 0. Its linked to difficulty ratings i think, such as level 43 mission is level19 fighters etc..... weight = , this one i am not sure about - think it is also related to the chances of dropping the said stuff. So - you can change old versions, or make new ones! here is one i made...... <b><i>Example: </b>Of course this is a custom ´touch´ i added to my mod. Everyone (pirate faction)carries a ´pilot´ in them, so when they are blown up, you collect pirates! You can only carry 10 max in an eagle...and they are ´brought´ by cops for a certain amount, prisons buy them for more, pirates pay alot to have their ´friends´ liberated, and bounty hunter stations pay out a small fortune for the bounty on their heads (like 1000 each). The added fun is that the bounty hunters also scan for ´pirates´ in your hold, as they will shoot you down to get the precious cargo they can collect the reward for, and pirates will try to loot them off of you too free their comrade in arms etc! Nice eh <img src=smilies/icon_smile_wink.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle> [RMBonusLoot archetype = commodity_pirates num_to_drop = 1 faction = fc_c_grp, fc_ou_grp, fc_rh_grp, fc_bd_grp, fc_h_grp, fc_m_grp, fc_x_grp, fc_b_grp, fc_g_grp, fc_lh_grp, fc_u_grp, fc_gc_grp, fc_lwb_grp, fc_fa_grp, fc_lr_grp difficulty_range = 21, 100 weight = 5 OKay - so you now know how to do that right? Okay - what about how to make those pirates then?! Custom commoditiy making that is. Look at ´making custom commodites´ for details, but if you cut and paste the below into your files, change ids numbers, then you too can collect pirates! <b>Pirates Pilots as a commodity for loot and reward (bounty hunter role play) </b> Okay - this should be good! Open up your [iSelect_equip.ini </i> file and copy and paste this to the bottom. By the way, use your own custom ids number! <b>Example: </b><i> Numbers 261796 upwards are free i think!!!! [Commodity nickname = commodity_pirates ids_name = 261821 ids_info = 66655 units_per_container = 1 pod_appearance = cargopod_green loot_appearance = lootcrate_green decay_per_second = 0 volume = 10 hit_pts = 250 </i> Okay - now save the file off, and open the goods.ini file instead. <b>Example: </b><i>Pirate commodity! </i> [Good nickname = commodity_pirates equipment = commodity_pirates msg_id_prefix = gcs_gen_commodity_boron category = commodity price = 500 combinable = true good_sell_price = 1 bad_buy_price = 1 bad_sell_price = 0.1 good_buy_price = 0.1 shop_archetype = Equipmentmodelscommodities
    n_iconscwire_rawmats_1.3db item_icon = equipmentmodelscommodities
    n_iconsINV_escapepod.3db jump_dist = 5hemicals.3db jump_dist = 55 Now save that off, and add the lines as follows to all bounty hunter bases in your market_commodities.ini file!! <b>Example: </b><i>they will now ´buy´ them for a nice price!! [BaseGood base = Br02_03_base MarketGood = commodity_pirates, 0, -1, 0, 0, 1, 4 </i> that is sheffield station buying pirates for 2k!! Good stuff eh!! Sorted. Now just do that for other stations, but change the 4 at the end for a 1 or 2 for the prisons/ police stations and pirate stations! Enjoy your new pirate pilots! LOL Now - to make them scanned for by the bounty hunters!! (and others) <b>Making a commoditiy scannable/illegal </b> Open up the <i>datamissionsfaction_prop.ini </i> file, and scroll to the bottom for bounty hunters: The section looks like this: <b>Example: </b><i>Bounty Hunters [FactionProps affiliation = gd_bh_grp legality = lawful </i> OKay - at the bottom add these lines:<i> scan_announce = false scan_for_cargo = commodity_pirates, 2 scan_chance = 0.300000 </i> If you wish for any faction to scan for something it will need a <i>scan_chance </i> entry - which is percentage chance, also <i>scan_announce = true/false </i> as to whether they tell you or not, and <i>scan_for_cargo = commodity nickname </i> The ,2 at the end is priority of scanning. If you are carrything three things that it wants, then the one with a 2 will be taken first, the 1 is next , then a 0 is least likely to be taken!!! Add whatever cargo you like, however, if you have cops picking up cardamine, and bounty hunters are set to scan for it, then u get very very amusing wars breaking out. Put in the scan announce = true and it is hilarious!! <i>´Wait, there is something, i got something........alright - drop the cargo´ </i> The cops refuse, war breaks out! BOOM! LOL You can set any commoditiy you like as ´illegal´ in this area. Change its ids info to say what you like as well! Enjoy Chips

  • Another one, This one is to help out with your flyable capships/transports! It is a <b> docking fix </b> This is built upon by an idea by <b>Wanderer </b> way way back in about may/april this year! It goes without saying, that although i am using Wanderers original idea here as a basis, I have expanded upon his idea, changed it alot and brought it up to date. This differs as it does <b>NOT </b> use duriel´s idea of making all the entries say berth instead. In fact,this is a million miles away from him! <i>(Credit for this idea comes from a)Wanderer originally, b)Damon - showed this to me back in late May this year when i used to test his mod) which is where i started to pick up changes to it from </i> I have changed it somewhat - but i do not require anyone to ask permission or put me in the credits here. This is the sort of thing that is a community thing. It was only when i read the old post by Accushot about docking probs for the gunship mod, that i remembered this one! So here comes the modding part - concentrate! Firstly - your ship! Here is an exert of your ships entry: <b>Example: </b><i>This is the normal pilotable ship mission_property = can_use_berths </i> What that means is that it uses what are called ´berths´ to dock with. If a station has no ´berth´ definitions defined there, then it cannot dock. Now - when converting other ships, like gunships/transports, you get this instead: <b>Example: </b><i> Taken from a transport mission_property = can_use_med_moors </i> Now the only problem with this is that if you use moors, when you dock, u just end up sitting at the moor instead of entering the station deck! (unless you press escape during the mooring, but if you leave it til it has ´moored´ then its too late!!. So - we cannot use moors because they don´t take you into the station. However, we can use berths. Just one question, how on earth then do we dock with jumpgates/holes with whatever type of ship we like?! That is cause they have a different docking ´sphere´ as they are called. Theres is ´jump´ instead. So - we can use berths and jumps eh? Yup, so if instead of putting <i>can_use_med_moors </i> or <i>large moors[i/ we put [ican_use_jumps </i> would that work? Well - only problem is that the stations don´t have that setting either, just jumpgates, so as you go round you will hear ´cannot take ships of that size´ etc etc. Well how do you fix that then? OKay - go to the <i>solararch.ini </i> file, open it up! <b>Example: </b><i>I left the docking ring as they all have one of these above them! [Solar nickname = docking_fixture ids_name = 261158 ids_info = 66141 type = STATION DA_archetype = solardockablespace_docking_fixture.3db material_library = solarSolar_mat_tink.mat material_library = fxenvmapbasic.mat envmap_material = envmapbasic LODranges = 0, 6000 mass = 10000.000000 loadout = docking_fixture docking_sphere = moor_medium, HpDockMountA, 5.000000 docking_sphere = moor_medium, HpDockMountB, 5.000000 docking_sphere = moor_medium, HpDockMountC, 5.000000 docking_sphere = moor_large, HpDockMountD, 5.000000 solar_radius = 300 hit_pts = 999999961690316250000000000000000000.000000 </i> yup - its a docking fixture - so what? Well - change one of the moor mediums to jump instead, <b>Example: </b><i>Just the necessary bit below docking_sphere = jump, HpDockMountA, 5.000000 docking_sphere = moor_medium, HpDockMountB, 5.000000 </i> Okay - done. Now you can save and go test. you will launch through the docking ring still, but when you try to dock with the docking ring you find that you are ´too large´ to dock with it, so instead, select the planet, and starting docking at the moor point. Only trouble is that with some ships you are rather large, and therefore can´t get close enough to the fixture to dock. This is where demus came in with his part in this. Just change the 5.0000 value to 50.000 - this just means that at 50 instead of 5 it will go to the cityscape - its the distance from completeion of the task before the vid cuts away. So you have this instead now: <b>Example: </b>Same as before, cut alot out instead<i> docking_sphere = jump, HpDockMountA, 75.000000 docking_sphere = moor_medium, HpDockMountB, 5.000000 </i> Now then, what about stations, do the same? change a moor value there to jump, and change the distance again?! - <b>Yes </b> - but with <i>one </i> slight catch here! When you leave a station it sends you out in the order of docking in this file above. So - if you have 26 berth entries, going in the solararch from 1 to 26, it would send you out in numerically ascending order of berths. However, if 26 was the first berth statement, 12 was the second (so order was jumbled up) you would leave by 26, then 12, and not by 1,2,3,4,5 What does this mean then? Quite simply i found that if you move the new docking method to the first statement in the entry, you will leave by that method So, <b> Example: </b><i>Station docking_sphere = berth, HpDockMountA, 4.5000000 docking_sphere = moor_medium, HpDockMountB, 5.000000 docking_sphere = jump, HpDockMountC, 75.000000 docking_sphere = moor_large, HpDockMountD, 5.000000 solar_radius = 300 </i> Here we have a berth entry as well as our jump entry for the larger ships, but you hit a problem now...... When we leave the station in our nice big transport, we get stuck in the docking bay. That is cause it is the <b>first </b> statement here! However, if it was like this: <b>Example: </b><i>Station docking_sphere = jump, HpDockMountC, 75.000000 docking_sphere = berth, HpDockMountA, 4.5000000 docking_sphere = moor_medium, HpDockMountB, 5.000000 docking_sphere = moor_large, HpDockMountD, 5.000000 </i> We find that we now leave through the old mooring position instead.......very aesthetically pleasing. So now, we can dock our capital ships/ transports at planets through the docking fixture (not ring) and dock and leave stations through the new fixture as well! Good stuff eh?! The good thing is you will never get stuck because if your station does not have a jump setting, then you cannot dock there. Also - if jump is the first statement - you leave the station through that point as well. Now the last few pieces to not ´cock´ everything up! Firstly - to avoid crashing into docking rings, we need to remove the sur file for docking rings. This just means that rather than having a nice big battleship getting stuck, we can now pass <i>through </i> the rings. I think this was IGx89 discovered and published for public use by the him, one of whom made your lovely Freelancer mod manager, and of course, Wanderer again! - so thanks and credit to them! Next - if there are no entries for berths at the station, don´t put a jump one in as it isn´t meant to be docked at - you will crash unless you sort it all out, and finally If you require more mounts, simply change a running light mount to hold a docking sphere instead <img src=smilies/icon_smile_wink.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle> As per usual, i hope that mod makers as well as players find this a useful little tutorial to utilise. Wanderers original post can be found through a forum search, and continuing in his lead of not requiring permissions to use mods, I do not require anyone to ask/credit me with anything either.......unless you ask people to credit YOU with ideas (not ships), at which point, my email is mikejgarlick@aol.com - get emailing instead. Happy docking people! Chips<img src=smilies/icon_smile_wink.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle> <i>Sharing all knowledge without holding back from anyone!......incase your wondering, i hate people trying to claim stuff as theirs and demanding permission needed for it, as ideas and solutions are worked out by more than one. I do not see a single mod crediting Wanderer and IGx89 with the docking ring, but if you want others to sing your praises, then you should sing the praises of everyone who has forwarded ideas that lead to the production of your mod. Thoughts cannot be claimed, and i figured this out, like all my mods, myself. Every tutorial i write has been through my own bumblings, unless i read it somewhere else first (a how too, not ideas) at which point i pay my credits to them. </i><img src=smilies/icon_smile.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle> <b>Credits: </b><i>for people who made this method possible but still get no recognition for it: </i> Wanderer Matthew ´ IGx89 ´ Lieder´s Damon / Demus / Prototype01

  • Faster loadups? Oh arrrr - I´ll ´ave me some ´o´ that me ´arties <img src=smilies/icon_smile_wink.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle> <b>Fast Loadups </b> <i>Without the intro movies - or choose which!! </i> Okay - <i>freelancer.ini </i> file in the exe folder, open that bad boy up, and scroll down a little - you will find something like this: <b>Example: </b><i> [Startup movie_file = moviesMGS_Logo_Final.wmv movie_file = moviesDA_Logo_Final.wmv movie_file = moviesFL_Intro.wmv </i> These refer to the three movies, now you could do what some poeple once suggested, but here is the way i suggested (and its definately the best!) Remember the semi colon trick for the game to ´ignore´ stuff? we use that again! <b>Example: </b><i> ;movie_file = moviesMGS_Logo_Final.wmv ;movie_file = moviesDA_Logo_Final.wmv ;movie_file = moviesFL_Intro.wmv </i> There we have it - the game ignores those three commands now, and bypasses the movies for the splash screen! However, you might want one of them, the acutual intro movie instead? In that case, don´t comment that one out - so it stays in and continues to play for you! <b>Example: </b><i> ;movie_file = moviesMGS_Logo_Final.wmv ;movie_file = moviesDA_Logo_Final.wmv movie_file = moviesFL_Intro.wmv </i> Now whenever you loadup you go straight to the movie instead, unless you hit escape - still quicker, but with the option of listening to that again <img src=smilies/icon_smile_wink.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle> Enjoy faster loadups! Chips

  • Oh - one area i defenitately aint strong in - the orienations of weapons in the CMP files!! However, i cheat terribly here most of the time. In fact - i have only three times made mounts from scratch......i just usually steal values - like, for lack of rotation, i take say a <i>torps </i> values instead, as they have bloody awful rotation (ie - shoot forwards) - but after looking, i found they have the same values as weapon slots, - so its back to the old fashioned way!! okay - here is what i know about it!! The Axis is for which rotation plane it will rotate <i>in </i> - so its like the rest of FL, based upon an x, y, z axis system. It always has the same value from what i see though - so keep it as that i say! That is: 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 Now this supposedly moves in the horizontal plane - but we all know it moves up and down as well - sooooo, does it move through two planes? ie, fixed in the third plane, moves in the other two!? Not sure personally - i don´t spend much time doing CMP editing, i usually use other mounts and make em take what i want! Next - its the max and min rotation values: Now - this is where my naff diagram comes in to it. 180 --------------+----------------- 180 Crap or what eh? - okay - this is a straight line, there are 180 degrees between one line and the other okay? Total = 360 degrees. Now it is to do with radians that it is then split into Pie (as in 3.14) - if you remember school maths, 2Pie in radians is 360 degrees. So then - each 180 is Pie, and pie is 3.14 yeah? so for the gun to move through 180 degrees, the game works in radians, that equals 3.14 (so 1 degree of movement is about 0.001 here). Now then, if you want your gun to move through a 180 degree ark, then you put in the value for pie....if you want your gun to move through a 360 degree ark - you put in two pie (its radains remember!!). so that would be 6.28 or so.......... if you want to LIMIT your guns movements, then you have to work out the angle - ie 3.14/180 = the value for 1 degree, now multiply by the amount of degrees you want to move through - and enter that value!........- now i also don´t know what the second value does. However, i am baffled by the min value - what is that? Is that moves one way or the other (vertical ark for min?) i am not sure, but it seems to be negative instead.........just use the same small value here. Basically - to get pathetic movement, enter a value about 0.52 to get 30 degrees of rotation. that aint too bad, make it 0.26 to get 15 degrees, now that is more like it! orientation is the way it faces, i cannot explain that very well - i steal values from other guns, and position - well, I just move it somewhere (guess), then go mount a gun and keep on checking till its where i want it(using turret cam). Its a long process here, but unless you are good at maths it will take you a LONG time to sort this one out. Basically - keep max and min values very small for crap rotation - and make sure your orientation has it facing the right way (duplicate forward facing guns.....) Chips p.s - yep, my maths sucks. Anyone who can explain this better - go for it. I know what i am doing (reasonably well) when editing CMP files, but i don´t know how to tell others to do it <img src=smilies/icon_smile_big.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle> &quot;I don´t <i>suffer </i> from insanity, I enjoy <i>every </i> minute of it!&quot;

  • Ok a simple question. How do you open/view .mat files? I would like to use the in-game textures for some ships i have designed so that they would fit in better.


  • Guessing something like UTF or photoshop 7 pro whatever (stabbing in the dark here) - but i don´t have a clue! Why? Cause my modeling skills are in the same league as a pregnant elephant!. Try to find a thread with recent posts by the following people for help: Wanderer Victor Imagine Hawklord Caid These are the people that i know of who actively model ships etc. There is also a tutorial on ships modeling and so on in the tutorials forum - can check it out there if you like........thats the best i can do i am affraid!! Edited by - chips on 03-10-2003 19:46:52

  • Grab the FreelancerSDK <A href=´http://www.lancersreactor.org/t/forum/topic.asp?topic_id=24842&amp;forum_id=18´ Target=_Blank>here</a>. Its convenient for mod makers and contains fixes to annoying problems like the mbases.ini error mentioned in this thread and much more. Enjoy <img src=smilies/icon_smile.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle> Primary Developer of the <A href=´http://eoa.seriouszone.com´ Target=_Blank>=EOA= Players Consortium</a>