<img src=´http://www.geocities.com/zcondren/Image5.jpg ´> I may disagree with your opininions you but I would die to protect your right to have thoose opininions
cap ship comp
waddda think. i know way over on the polts but how do i convert it milkshape 3d wont even open it can some body make a texture for it? I may disagree with your opininions you but I would die to protect your right to have thoose opininions
Pirate, where are you getting those models? because they look corrupted or incomplete unless thats about a billion ploys making a billilon little shadows all over that destroyer. ------------------------------ Me fail english? That´s umpossible
It is really hard to step down the polys on a model like that to 2000 or less without horribly disfiguring it... at least in my experience. Someone else here may know how to do it. razar - I am using an old TNT 2 Ultra 32 MB and I am running StarLancer in 1024x768. Edited by - Fuzzball on 11/27/00 8:38:53 AM
i got this one from some b5 mod site and thooose are shadows ! I may disagree with your opininions you but I would die to protect your right to have thoose opininions
okay! well Pirate if milkshape wont open it then its well above 10000 polys so i am sorry to tell you, you´ll never get it into the game. i have auto cad and it lets you actually reduce the polycount to a degree and i tried it on a star destroyer i found on the net and even at its best it could´nt get it below 3000. so unless you delete parts of it there is noway. sorry.
If you like, I can try my skills on that omega, allthough i won´t reduce the polycount, but remodel the whole thing...
<img src=´http://www.geocities.com/zcondren/Image6.jpg ´> I may disagree with your opininions you but I would die to protect your right to have thoose opininions
hows it look, i need help getting it oriented and textured so please contact me @ zcondren@hotmail.com I may disagree with your opininions you but I would die to protect your right to have thoose opininions
damn i just got my cable internet and boy is it fast i downloaded a 31mb file in under4 mins I may disagree with your opininions you but I would die to protect your right to have thoose opininions
Heres Pictures of my first attemp. Every one was doing cruisers so i though i would do nanny. Its not much but its a start <img src=´http://www.dixie75.freeserve.co.uk/Image2.jpg ´> Still working on the texture Perhaps today IS a good day to die Edited by - Nighthawk on 11/28/00 8:19:01 PM
<img src=´http://www.geocities.com/razar_x/hyp2.jpg ´>
razar that is looking fantastic. <img src=´http://www.dixie75.freeserve.co.uk/Image3.jpg ´> ill try it nighthawk
hah there you go nighthawk looks good.
Hmm, with my promotion and the deadline moved up, I don´t think I can get my ship out by the 3rd. Oh well hehe. Besides, I would rather do it right then rush it out to make the contest.
raZar - cool ship. Hey Pirate - this was an image I posted about a month ago: <img src=´http://home.inreach.com/dwevans/cerberus1.jpg ´> I need to use 24-bit texturing on it to make it look better though and I still need to create a launcher on the front of the ship... but everything else looks great =) Edited by - Fuzzball on 11/29/00 3:41:39 AM
OK... CS, sorry, it wasn´t my intent to move the dealine up... Here are the new once: Submit by December 11th, Noon CET Vote is up by December 13th Vote is finished by December 17th Judges evaluate Devember 17th to December 19th. Winners announce around Christmas (I hope to get them ready before Christmas, but with this schedule, I´m not sure...) Best Regards Christian "Bargib" Koerner Editor in Chief, <A href=´http://www.lancersreactor.org´ Target=_Blank>The Lancers Reactor</a>
Thanks. Ok, you guys keep talking about high polys. Where in milkshape do I look to see how many, or how high my polly count is?
Well just go to the tools menu and click on model statistics then you´ll see a smal list with stuff on it, look for the number if triangles and keep this number below 3300, maybe 3400 It has no option for polys Mad Dog Don´t Think, Just KILL!!!