Should I Buy FreeLancer?

  • Well first off it lasts for quite a while, unless your a freak gamer who playes 24/7 and after the story is done your can do missions to build cash forever so the game never really ends. Secod, the servers load pretty quick on multi player but theres always those servers where lag makes it totally suck. But personally I´d recomend it cause it´s a fun past time of kinda suspense and mystery in the story. Oh yeah, there´s a whole lotta ships blowing up!

  • I tried FL MP back when I was on dial-up, fairly average performance I have to say. But then again, what game offers great perfomance on dial-up these days?

  • Freelancer can last a long time even without mods. If you like the storyline (and Ihappened to) you can probably play it two or three times without getting too tired of it. Once that´s done you can explore. The storyline introduces you to only a small fraction of all of the content within Freelancer. You could easily spend 50+ hours just exploring, looking for wrecks, finding new planets and, of course, blowing the snot out of numerous baddies. Obviously I wouldn´t be here if I didn´t like the game but, that bias aside, I´d certainly recommend it (besides, it can´t be all that expensive anymore, can it?). Welcome to TLR, too.

    Edit: Removed sig. Edited by - Stinger on on 12/30/2004 3:43:05 PM

  • &quot;Nothing is a waste of time if you use the experience wisely.&quot; Actually Freelancer is definitely worth buying especially since you can get a boxed copy (CD and manual) for around $18 U.S. My review of Freelancer The graphics can be mesmerizing and the game play can get you hooked, you´ll be playing until your eyes get sore...the sounds and music are also <i>awesome </i>... It is what you make of it...Depending on your style of play the game can be short or go on forever, that´s one of the best things about Freelancer, it can keep going and going and going... .

  • i only play unmodded single and i´d say it´s well worth a go. the fact that there is so much still to do after the game plot has ended is best of all.[v} getting to the highest level and then downgrading your ship is a challenge too.<img src=smilies/icon_smile_wink.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle> anyway i hope it´s worth it, i started on what i think was the original version called &quot;elite&quot;, a pre wing commander game, in the mid eighties, that´s 1980´s for our younger vewiers, if it wasn´t worth it my life has been wasted.<img src=smilies/icon_smile.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle>

  • Or maybe he listened to us and bought Freelancer...and is now trapped in its eternal grips <img src=smilies/icon_smile_tongue.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle>

  • I v´e enjoyed Freelancer for almost a year. I have never played online. With the verious mods and addons. the fun could lastfor months....... Freelancer one of lifes little pleasures...........AZAR

  • No, I haven´t left, just waiting to see more posts from you guys. I´ve been reading other review sites, etc. I remember seeing a small article in either PC Gamer/Maximum PC about the &quot;Rebalance Mod&quot;, and it looks really cool. Is there an official site or something? Meanwhile, I think I might download the demo, which might take a while since I´m on &lt;56K. Me being primarily a FPS/Space Combat Sim player, the idea of NOT always blowing up stuff is, strangly, interesting. Keep posting! More detailed!

  • 1. Look at me! I´ve been playing FL for 3 years without MP. Just play mods if you get bored. 2. FL is a low lag game but if your connection is too slow then you might get kicked.

  • Three years <img src=smilies/icon_smile_shock.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle> Has it been out that long there. Here, it´s only been out since March 2003.

  • I bought the game fairly recently as well. Paid $35-some Canadian for it, but then it WAS at Electronics Boutique, so I probably got slightly hosed <img src=smilies/icon_smile_sad.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle>

  • Freelancer is without a doubt the best game I´ve ever played. The story line, although lacking some at the end, is very very good and it keeps you going. Secondly, the open ended gameplay, where you can choose what to do after the story line ends is unique (at least it was when it got released). And the possibilities are many. Thirdly, the mods are awesome. Some are good, some are very good, and a couple are amazingly good and actually change the gameplay. But to apreciate these mods, you would have to have played the game for a while, or you won;´t notice much. Fourthly, the multiplay is realy good. There are some great communities out there and still a fair amount of decent servers. Some are modded, some are not. FL is over it´s top tho and many players have moved on. A year ago there were perhaps twice the amount of servers and players. But there are still a lot of dedicated players and servers. So yeah, buy it and get hooked. It has its flaws, I´ll admit, but they aren´t anoying and most mods fix those flaws. It´s not a very complex game and that´s what makes it great. You don´t need to remember and frequently use hundrets of keys and key-combo´s to controll your ship. In fact all you need is two hands and seven fingers and I know of a guy who has one arm and still was able to play the game <img src=smilies/icon_smile.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle> Multiplay on a dial-up modem is possible, but you´ll notice some problems when more players from different regions (continents) are close together.

  • Of course you should buy Freelancer. Im so hooked, I go ballistic when I lose it. Yeah its long. After you beat the storyline, it goes on forever. I mean FOREVER. Can´t stop. There´s no end. MP on dial-up? Eh, I don´t know. Better get broadband first. Ive got it and I get lag, so I can only imagine what dial-up is like.

    You tag `em, we frag `em.-Jules Gonzalez, Mech Warrior 4 "And so I says, answer THAT and stay fashionable!"-Wraith Pilot, StarCraft

  • BUY IT! It´s probably one of the greatest games ever made, behind duck hunt and pong of course. The storyline lacks in some areas but once you´re done with that, just do what I did: Invent your own storyline. Sure, it lacks the cutscenes, but pause the game, close your eyes and think of one and you can see it (especially if you´ve been playing for four or five days straight, thats all you can see). Multiplayer does triple the fun of the game, but mods do double it in singleplayer. I recommend multiplayer more, because its like a social experiment with lasers. Mods are good though, but dont forget to uninstall it for about a week every month, just to do a reality check. Christmas, is that a BF1942 mod or something? <A href=´´ Target=_Blank>Delayed Gamers:</a> The short bus of gaming.


  • Yoe by all mean purchase th egame.....$19USD is cheap for such a great game...litterly almost endless gameplay possibilities, and with better graphics cards..more and more little details appear in the graphics engine...running in the highest resolutions with my FX6800 256mb GeForce, i have seen stuff i didn´t see on my old GeForce4 Mx4000 8X. buy the game...beat it a few times...dl a few em till you are bored with em....then learn to mod it yourself and make you OWN is quitepossible the best Space game invented to date...5 stars definately &quot;To live is to die....but living is to die slowly..why waste time on trivial things just play as hard as you can&quot;

    "To live is to die....but living is to die slowly..why waste time on trivial things just play as hard as you can"

  • Yes. Join us in the addiction. Yes for FL on 56k too, I played that way for over a year. Do yourself a favor and finish the single player storyline before MP or mods. &quot;Got anything for me?&quot; - Trent, A.K.A. ´Mr. Eloquent´