Phrases/Things that annoy you

  • nothing!? come on guys....something´s got to tick you off...... Kyp Guitar God at heart...something quite unsatisfyingly different in reality...

    Kyp The other day, in study hall, i farted really loud, you the guys would laugh...and i swear it was so hanus that Susie Johnson almost ralphed up her salsbury steak. it was freakin sweet...

  • Well, a lot of things annoy me to be honest, but if I have to name a few.... 1. Forum trolls <img src=smilies/icon_smile_wink.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle> 2. People who belittle others 3. People who are condescending 4. People who champ very loud 5. People who simply won´t admit they were wrong when they DO know they are 6. People who talk as if they know everything but in fact are just plain ignorant I can think of a whole lot more, but this is it for the moment.

  • The only thing that annoys me now: &lt;Wizard&gt; Bonjour Guten Tag Hola Ciao Hoe gaat het Howdy Good Day DATD (auto greeting message) ----- Bazil, M. P. Webmaster and founder of <A href=´´ Target=_Blank>Roughnecks -Freelancer</a> Division &quot;<b>If you would care to follow me... </b>&quot; -- DEATH of the Discworld <img src=´ ´>

    ----- I saved mankind and all I got was this stupid medal?! Bazil, M. P. Webmaster and founder of Roughnecks -Freelancer Division "If you would care to follow me..." -- DEATH of the Discworld [i

  • WASSUP! G! My big toe right up your ass if you keep saying that. We get those guys here in Aus, which makes it even worse because No 1. they are not black and No.2 thier not even American. People telling me they have tried everything to deal with thier weight problem while they stuff a jelly doughnut in thier mouth. Rude business men who think they a far more important than anyone else on the planet because they have a suit on. Little do they realise that I don´t care if I plough my rusty Holden into the back of thier Mercedes when they cut me off, hell ive got insurance. <img src=smilies/icon_smile.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle>

  • @KypD: looots of things (too many to name´em). In most cases I tend to agree with your points, though I have some doubts concerning the &quot;gay&quot; issue. For all I know, the word was used (meaning sth like ´cheerful´)long before people started talkin

  • Lol @ Peet and DATD <img src=smilies/icon_smile.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle> <img src=´…y3/200231716213989864.jpg ´> &quot;God bless <A href=´´ Target=_Blank>this</a> acid house!&quot; &quot;I was near the scene of another crime at the time, officer.&quot;

    _______________________________________________________ The Lancersreactor: where the screenshots are never blurry, and the spammers get publically kicked around. Wizard Moderator for The Lancers Reactor E-mail: MSN: check my profile Click here for the FAQ. The forum search function is right here. [img=]

  • ah yes, i forgot about the whole &quot;happy&quot; gay thing. i don´t have a problem with that....what i mean is, everyone around here says &quot;oh, that´s gay&quot; if they see something they think is stupid or something they don´t like. (ps. i´m not homophobic either...i just hate it when people call, for example, the PT Crusier gay because they think it´s ugly). Peet! that´s exactlly what i´m talking about! Eraser, hope i didn´t offend you, these were not directed at anyone in particular. i´m not going out to hurt people´s feelings here, belittle others, be condesending, or trying to make it seem like i know everything. if i´ve offended anyone, i´m terribly sorry and i´ll delete the thread myself if i can Kyp Edited by - kyp durron on 28-02-2003 16:25:35

    Kyp The other day, in study hall, i farted really loud, you the guys would laugh...and i swear it was so hanus that Susie Johnson almost ralphed up her salsbury steak. it was freakin sweet...

  • people who say d00d instead of dude, and anyone who says dude for that matter, when people cry meaninglessly, a kid in my class(no names), people who think they are /337 H4X0r5 when really it is some dumb 11 year old, !!!!!!!WAREZ!!!!!!! //h@7 Th3 h3/1 /5 wR0ng with you people <img src=smilies/icon_smile.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle> _____________________________ Peace through superior firepower. <img src=´ ´>

  • You didn´t offend me Kyp <img src=smilies/icon_smile.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle> (I really don´t see how you could either <img src=smilies/icon_smile_wink.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle>)

  • What about when people are having a bad day, and they repeat their troubles to you over and over again? &quot;I swear it wasn´t my fault, he just slammed his breakes and I couldn´t do anything. I I said, it wasn´t my fault. There wasn´t anything I could do, he just slammed the breaks. Nothing I could do. Like I said...&quot; <img src=´ ´>


  • I can understand having caller ID if there are specific people who call you and you don´t want to talk to them. Whenever my inlaws´ phone rings they run to the phone and see who´s calling then pick it up, I´ve never seen them not answer. Sometimes the phone rings and they can´t tell from the readout who´s calling, and they always just pick it up and find out who´s calling. Why not just do that in the first place. If for any reason my 16 year old sister-in-law wasn´t the one who answered the phone she has to know who´s on it anyway. Someone´s talking on the phone and she gets in their face and says, &quot;who is it?&quot; My wife says, &quot;it´s none of your business who it is! It´s obviously not for you! Beat it!&quot; But at our house my wife does the exact same thing. Someone calls and I´m talking to them and she wants to know who it is. It´s not like I´m the king of phone conversations, my average phone call lasts about 35 seconds, but she has to know ´right now´ who I´m talking to. I usually ignore her and talk a little longer than I might have just to make her mad. I like to drive fast, but I really get annoyed by those guys who drive fast and crazy for no good reason. You know what I´m talking about, some dork is weaving around to get ahead of everyone and then there´s a red light and everyone has to stop and all they have to show for their efforts is half a car length. &quot;You showed me, pal. Now that you´ve risked your life and half a dozen other people´s you´re twenty feet closer to your destination than the rest of us.&quot; I don´t like to drive fast in parking lots, and I don´t like it when I´m trying to walk through a parking lot and almost get run over by people zipping around at 20 or 30 mph. It´s a parking lot, not the Indy 500. Also in parking lots I don´t like ´waiters´, those guys who sit there for ten minutes waiting for someone to leave a good space. For me it doesn´t seem worth waiting for more than a minute to get a parking space that´s fifty feet closer to the door. The trouble is sometimes I get stuck behind a ´waiter´. I hate that. Let´s get those missiles ready to destroy the universe!!

  • <font size=1 face="trebuchet ms"><BLOCKQUOTE><hr size=1 noshade>Also in parking lots I don´t like ´waiters´, those guys who sit there for ten minutes waiting for someone to leave a good space. For me it doesn´t seem worth waiting for more than a minute to get a parking space that´s fifty feet closer to the door. The trouble is sometimes I get stuck behind a ´waiter´. I hate that. <hr size=1 noshade></BLOCKQUOTE></font><font face=´trebuchet ms, Verdana, Arial, Helvetica´ size=2> Amen to that!!


  • gay adj. gay·er, gay·est - Of, relating to, or having a sexual orientation to persons of the same sex. - Showing or characterized by cheerfulness and lighthearted excitement; merry. - Bright or lively, especially in color: a gay, sunny room. - given to social pleasures a car that you do not like cannot be gay a song that you don´t like cannot be gay any propsition cannot be gay an argument cannot be gay etc etc and i too hate the waiters in the parking lots oh, and i´m a little picky when it comes to customer service too, bad service is obviously no good, but when they pester you and push their service on you, wow i hate that too! Kyp Guitar God at heart...something quite unsatisfyingly different in reality...

    Kyp The other day, in study hall, i farted really loud, you the guys would laugh...and i swear it was so hanus that Susie Johnson almost ralphed up her salsbury steak. it was freakin sweet...

  • On the bus, i HATE people who sit on the outer aisle seat when the window seat is open. That means we gotta squeeeeeze past their legs to get in. JEEEZ. Its like a FULL bus with TONS of people on it but the guy just sits there making it VERY hard to sit down in the seat. Why do people do this? Never heard of courtesy? Also, people on the bus WHO SMELL LIKE CRAP! AUGH, i ride the bus several times a day and i bet ive smelt all the nastiest and most rotten things on the face of the planet. There´s that floating urine smell that just seems to spread throughout the bus and you cant get away. There´s also the smell of alcohol...ugh....i appreciate them being responsible and taking the bus after a drink...but....UGH....the guy´d prolly soffucate more ppl in the bus! Um...driving...i dont like ppl who dont let me change lanes. Whenever I drive and someone wants to go into my lane...I LET THEM! WOW! Easy! But Noooooooo, not when I drive. Selfish bastages. Concerning the &quot;waiter&quot; thing, heh, my dad does that a lot. <img src=smilies/icon_smile_big.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle> <b>- </b>-<b>- </b>-<b>- </b>-<b>- </b>-<b>- </b>-<b>- </b>-<b>- </b>-<b>- </b>-<b>- </b>-<b>- </b> <img src=´ ´>

  • Humans. <img src=´ ´> <b>Halcyon </b>: I’ve got one more bit of intelligence to pass along to everyone. We believe Bhurak Starkiller may be in the system. <b>Angel </b>: Bhurak Starkiller, sir? <b>Halcyon </b>: He’s Kilrah’s hottest pilot in the Salthi light fighter. <A href=´;FORUM_ID=3&amp;CAT_ID=3&amp;Topic_Title=Aussie+E3+Freelancer+Review&amp;Forum_Title=Freelancer+Discussion&amp;M=False&amp;S=True´ Target=_Blank>Hehe, titbits.</a>

  • oh man EB, i know exactlly what you´re talking about with the bus...the people who sit in the aisle seat when the window is open. i call them bus bullies, because nobody wants to move past them into the window seat...i´d never even thought of doing that i think i will next time, just to spite them <img src=smilies/icon_smile_big.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle> Kyp Guitar God at heart...something quite unsatisfyingly different in reality...

    Kyp The other day, in study hall, i farted really loud, you the guys would laugh...and i swear it was so hanus that Susie Johnson almost ralphed up her salsbury steak. it was freakin sweet...

  • things which ruffle arcons feathers: 1) computers that REFUSE to work, to the point where the user sits quietly in the corner sobbing. They never just tell you that the pc is shafted because this driver conflicts with that video card so goto their website and get the update, ijust have to plod around systematically changing every bit of software, get lost and re-install windows, loosing hundreds of hours of gaming saves and schoolwork 2) 95% of the worlds counterstrike players. You are not gods gift to gaming, youre 12 years old who found an aimbot. The amount of moronic assholes that fester on the planets CS servers is beyond belief. I use CS as an example as almost everyone will know the game and know the patronage. 3) children below the age of 10, admit it, theyre just evil, ugly morons. And becasue theyre kids they never have anythign interesting to say or add to a conversation and i´m not gonna lower myself to theyre level so we just dont get on 4) Money. It makes everyone evil, the aquisition of wealth is the driving force of our lives yet its the source of all evil. Roll on communism -arcon ------ &quot;your changing sides now?&quot; &quot;change sides? i dont recal ever saying i was on yours&quot;

  • ooo, i thought of another one... <b>JOCKS! </b> if you play sports and enjoy it, that´s fine by me, but i´m talking people with the jock mentality: &quot;winning is more important than anything&quot;, &quot;i´m better than you because i´m good at sports&quot;, &quot;i´m God´s gift to women and they´re objects to do with as i please&quot;, &quot;we, the football team, own and rule the school&quot;, etc, etc, etc... and along with them go the teachers who pass the stupid ones anyway, because they´re on the hockey team, and because their daddies are mean SOBs who were never that great at sports as kids, and push their own kids so hard to be something they could never be, thus making up for their pathetic lives, and who also just happen to hold high rank in the local social hierarchy. i do not speak out of experience...this is not the case where i town is not a festering hornet´s nest of these types of people...i am not bitter you get the idea Kyp Guitar God at heart...something quite unsatisfyingly different in reality... Edited by - kyp durron on 02-03-2003 07:14:50

    Kyp The other day, in study hall, i farted really loud, you the guys would laugh...and i swear it was so hanus that Susie Johnson almost ralphed up her salsbury steak. it was freakin sweet...