How long do you think this game can last?

  • Any new game will experience an initial suge of popularity, followed by a decrease... how long that popularity lasts, and how rapid the decrease is, depends largely on the quality and re-playability of the game. I think Freelancer scores fairly high on both counts. So, I think that yes, there will be an expectable decrease in popularity, but it´ll still last for quite a while, with the die-hards sticking in there for years. Der Käse! Der Käse! Er singt traurig um Mitternacht! ( for a translator program)

    There`s only two types of people who play Freelancer: -Those who think the Sabre is the best ship; -Those who are wrong.

  • There will be at least some die hard FL´ers for years to come. Just look at ELITE, the first of the type. ELITE came out around 1984, but there are still ELITE chat groups with posts every day. But of course the game will lose players as new games come out ... e.g. X-2 and Homeworld2. I like to take out old games and play them once in a while, long after I´ve finished them. However, I have friends who rush right through and game and then go looking for another one. p.s. Also note that schools were out a few months ago. Now most kids are back in the classroom and can´t play on line as much. Jose Chavez: "Trent! It´s good to see my kind of scum."

  • As long as new and interesting mods come out, I know I´ll keep playing Freelancer. Life: No one gets out alive.

    Life: No one gets out alive. [img=] [img=]

  • RILMS , u can also made ur own mod... it´s already put in the place where u can see what what is...´s to easy to make a mod... (and i said that already a few times)´s not fun to make a mod, when modding is to easy... if it was 1 long .i

  • I´m with Puke on this one. Elite stood the test of time, and this is the only game I´ve really gotten into since. I think FL will be alive for as long as the server admins give it attention.

  • Puke Barwalker - HW2 Comes out today in the US! "If the limit of a function exists, than it is unique(and therefore, doesn´t exist)" - My Calculus textbook

    ------------------------------------- [img=] Ok everyone, let`s see some holiday spirit!

  • DragonBreath Ya, I know. I´ve been trying to get into that. Looking for the programs. I downloaded 3Ds Mex 4, but it didn´t work. Missing a file or something. But if I get programs to mod, I´ll give it a shot. Life: No one gets out alive.

    Life: No one gets out alive. [img=] [img=]

  • SP bored me (Finaly <img src=smilies/icon_smile_big.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle>) so I tried MP thinking it wouldn´t be long before I give up on that too, but now I´m hooked on MP <img src=smilies/icon_smile.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle> I say, FL is going on for a while, but as long as Elite? I don´t know. I´ll certainly pick it up again in a few years (if it´s still playable on whatever platform Microsh*t invented by then), but I bet as soon as HW2 come´s out and when I can get my hands on kotor or Jedy Academy FL will disapear for a good amount of time, only to resurface at cleaning-up parties and such <img src=smilies/icon_smile.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle> FL misses just that litle extra wich MS/DA left out to become a classical title, like HL or (as you say, I don´t know the game) Elite.

  • Well, until flying around, killin things and genrally messin up politics gets boring (Which it may just do...) I think this game will last a while. Buuut, if it had everything that was dropped out it would be timeless. But there you go, I pick up most my old games again sooo it dont realy applie to me... Bein an Outcast is about doin things you wanna do: Kill, Terrorise, Murder, Destroy, Smoke Cardamine, ya know, normal stuff.....

    ---------------------------------------- One swift knee in the happy sacks an hell go down like anyone else! Member of [Outcasts] on Asgard DakkaDakkaDakka all night long

  • I´d hate for FL MP to stop. I love it. I´m hooked. PunkZombie, He hates EA, He hates WestWood´s choice to join EA, EA can burn in F^&amp;^#*! Hell for all I care. I will be waiting for the game &quot;Who Wants To Beat Up A EA Employee&quot;.

  • It takes more than a year for a game to &quot;stop&quot;. Any game that can be played online, with a successful community will never really stop until well.....I dont know when. Even games like ROR, AOK, AVP2, are still played quite alot and getting new players all the time. Of course, there is always a steady decrease in the number of players, but that happens over a loooong time.

    Tis pure logic, dear lads, to see That I spam less, Far less, Than thee. [img=]

  • I beg to differ... don´t get me wrong, I LOVE Freelancer. I think people who whine and complain about it´s limitations should try to program something similar themselves with this much quality and see where they get. (From the ground up, not modding.) However, there will eventually be no list server for Freelancer. Multiplayer will consist of browsing the internet to find IP addresses of the last few servers that people still care to run. It´s a rather desolate vision of the future, and I certainly hope the day is still far in the future. But its sad really, that one day Microsoft and DA´s list servers will be shut down to make room for something else. Of course, I really hope that something else is Freelancer 2... but that´s another thread.

  • Starcraft is another example of a game still going strong. But hopefully when they get around to making FL2 they actually do everything they are planning to do. ~ DaVoid, Expert Star Diver

  • TEMARFlashFire .... <font size=1 face="trebuchet ms"><BLOCKQUOTE><hr size=1 noshade>Multiplayer will consist of browsing the internet to find IP addresses of the last few servers that people still care to run. It´s a rather desolate vision of the futur

  • NOOOO!!! I can´t stand all this talk about deth to FL. If mechwarrior 4(made by Microsoft) is still running servers this game will be around for a while. I´m gettin homworld 2 on my way home. But I will not put this game on the shelf. It a great game. It´s not even a year old and people are talking Deth. WTF shut up. We don´t need this talk. I´ll except this rambling about a year from now, but 7 or so months into this games life? PLease. If you don´t freak it(means play it for hours) all the time you won´t get burnned out so fast. (Sighes) Sorry for the rant. It gets me all stirred up to see people already ready for FL 2, and talkin about FL going down the drain. It hasn´t even been a YEAR!!!! It´s a problem with humanity these days. Consume, consume, want, want, more, more, more. Ugh! This thread brought out the ugly in me today.

  • freelancer will last forever!!!!! all the new mods and as ppl get more and more experienced there will be tons and tons of mods like the fightspace 1!!!!!! I´M FAT YOU´RE FAT! SEE YOU IN THE KITCHEN IN TEN MINUTES!


  • If games like Starcraft and Counterstrike are still popular, then Freelancer will last for at least 5 more years if not more. It´s still relatively new (to the general public), give it time. For the Coalition!!

  • Well, all games don´t last forever. <img src=smilies/icon_smile_sad.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle> I guess it will last for about 5 years... Freelancer isn´t released in some countries such as Korea. It´s sold only in some countries which means this game won´t last longer than Starcraft or Warcraft. Just my opinion. I´m not an expert! <img src=smilies/icon_smile_approve.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle> ------------------------ <b>FOR RHEINLAND...! </b> <img src=´ ´> ------------------------

    RNC DonauLeader of UFSF (United Freelancers Security Force) Interested in joining? mail me at ------------------------- FOR RHEINLAND...! [img=] -------------------------

  • For all of you out there saying mods will save this game, I hope you are joking, i have played most of the mods and see a re-occuring theme, rediculous top level ships, such as the shadow in the TNG mod, that was absolute crap. the games are always so unweighted. If any modders out there here this, to make a proper mod keep the orginal universe then add things system by system ship by ship and gun by gun to what free lancer already has, then test it and MAKE sure it works 100% before you update the mod, also don´t go tell everyone there is new stuff let them discover it them selves. Also with the ship mods, keep a theme, not starwars, bablon5, my mums volvo and a fedex ship all crammed into one mod. And i don´t know id anyone has tried this yet but the problem with having to erase accounts everytime the mod is changed, can´t we get some resolution on this with the program to be able to adjust all players stats, for exaple if you add a new system you may have to re-start everyone back on planet manhatten, or you may have to realod peoples ships due to chnages in them. No offence but ATM there is no mod even the slightest bit close to being able to save FL.

  • Look, all you have to do before downloading the mod is check the description. If the content does not suit your taste, do not download it. And since they are mostly free, I don´t think you have the right to bash them. If they are so terrible, write your own mod, post it and the rest of us can praise it <img src=smilies/icon_smile.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle> These modders dedicate time and sweat for no reward at all, other than rights to brag. You are entitled to your opinion, but do not state your opinion as FACTS, as if your opinion supercedes all other opinions.

    Kusari Pizza Delivery: Whether it`s raining Blood Dragons, Golden Chrysanthemums, or Pirates - we deliver in under 30 minutes - or we commit seppuku....